Trends Identified

Improving/rebounding global economic conditions
23% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
New, more business-friendly governments and administrations
18% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Continued trade liberalism; globalization
14% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Supportive environment for national and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
14% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Improved access to capital at competitive rates
12% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Improving Eurozone conditions and stability
9% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Relative geopolitical calm globally; decline in terrorism
9% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Silence is gold
"We’re seeing a dramatic escalation in the rate at which people disconnect, unsubscribe and opt out to stem the barrage of content and messages that clutter daily life. As consumers, we’ve come to realize that it’s no longer simply a lifestyle choice, but a serious mental health issue. As we put up more barriers between ourselves and digital technologies, organizations must learn how to offer value to users who crave quiet in a noisy world."
Fjord trends 2019
The last straw?
Our climate is changing and so is the way we’re thinking about it. Our concerns about global warming, pollution and sustainability have experienced a cultural shift. Where once it was “too big to do anything about,” now it’s personal. In 2019, it won’t be enough for companies to simply acknowledge environmental concerns; consumers will expect commitment to be proven through action. Organizations will need to redesign their systems and business models to fit the “circular economy,” where consumers are active participants, and sustainability is built into their products and services.
Fjord trends 2019
Data minimalism
"Data’s headline appearances throughout 2018 distorted people’s understanding of the value exchange between data owner (you) and data user (organizations). Expectations around how much people’s personal data is worth became falsely inflated, and the mystery surrounding how it’s used became a cause for concern. Moving forward, organizations must design for transparency, so that consumers can trust that they’re pursuing only the data they need to build new products and services, and that they’re using and storing that data responsibly. "
Fjord trends 2019