Trends Identified
Eco-energy Zero Construction
Eco-energy zero buildings aim to achieve zero net energy consumption through the use of insulation, recycled building materials, renewable energy sources, and maximizing energy efficiency. With introduction of regulations on gross final energy consumption, renovation of old houses to zero-energy buildings is also expected.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2010
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Eco-friendly bioplastic films
(Definition) Biodegradable and transparent bioplastic films that are available to be used as packaging materials for foods and medical suppliers with proven safety to humans. (Use) Available to replace existing packaging materials, of which safety to humans are not verified, and track the products or provide consumers with related information by using QR and RD
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Eco-friendly Green & Red Tide Elimination Technology
Eco-friendly technology which eliminates harmful algal blooms and nutrient salts effectively, without environmental side effects
10 emerging technologies in 2017
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Eco-friendly natural pesticide
Sustainable crop production became almost next to impossible due to pollution and health problems caused by chemical pesticide. Natural pesticide that has similar efficiency as chemical pesticide needs to be developed for each blight and insect type, by extracting or refining natural materials of which crop disease and vermin control effect was proven (plant extracts and other natural substance), and by combining those several types technically. As natural pesticide is biodegraded in nature, there is no side-effect on human beings, animals, and environment. Consumers can take in safe agricultural products that have no residual chemical substance and as a result, it will greatly contribute to the improvement of human health.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2012
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Ecological Restoration Technology Using Microorganisms
Ecological restoration technology using microorganisms to decompose toxic or persistent chemicals
10 emerging technologies in 2017
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Ecological threats
While climate change is a gradual process that will be felt over the course of decades, it also increases the likelihood of relatively sudden disasters, from stronger hurricanes, deeper famines, or droughts. By 2035, the world will most likely be confronted by more natural disasters, and the political system will be required to adjust to them. Northern Europe will see greater flooding. Southern Europe will experience more frequent heatwaves. The international system will need to create a more robust system to protect climate refugees and migrants, who will grow as climate change increases the power of natural disasters and rapid urbanisation means that natural disasters will affect more people.
Global trends to 2035
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Economic and trade downturn
The effects of the 2008 financial crisis, for instance, spread to developing countries, primarily through declines in trade and commodity prices and reduced access to credit, as lower demand in developed countries damaged export revenues and slowed economic growth in developing countries (UN DESA 2011). While developing countries overall managed to absorb the shock of the 2008 crisis, their responses increased fiscal deficits and deteriorated current-account balances. As these indicators have not reverted to their pre-crisis levels in many developing countries, there will be limited capacity in future to absorb another major economic shock (UN MDG Gap Task Force 2015).
Global trends
Economic experiments
Many growth policy tools have reached their limits. Central banks and governments in the developed world responded to the financial crisis by slashing interest rates , creating innovative facilities to try to keep the credit of lowing, and in some cases bailing out financial and nonfinancial players. Different mixes of austerity and structural reforms also were tried. When these proved insufficient to restart growth, leaders around the world turned to new, sometimes overlapping policy experiments, in search of a more effective solution.
The global forces inspiring a new narrative of progress
Economic Globalisation
Globalisation, based on persistent technological innovation, is likely to remain the most significant driver of long- term economic change. Nevertheless, liberal trade and investment policies that have accelerated globalisation since the end of World War II will be subject to periodic challenge, and may be temporarily reversed.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Economic Growth
Over the last 30 years, the global economy has grown at a rate of 3- 4% and output has increased 4-fold.199 There has been regional variation: the newly- industrialised Asian economies have raised output 12-fold, while the G7 group of industrialised states have had a 5-fold increase. However, sub-Saharan Africa has experienced only a 3-fold increase, despite more than doubling its population and potential workforce during that time.200 Growth in the global economy will continue, accompanied by general improvements in material well-being. However, economic growth, combined with the continuing rise in the global population, will intensify the demand for natural resources, minerals, and energy. When allied to demographic ageing and environmental and political challenges, the likely result is a reduction in global economic growth rates. This growth will continue to be uneven, fluctuating over time and between regions, with sub-Saharan Africa likely to lag behind other regions primarily because of governance challenges, linked to endemic corruption.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence