Trends Identified
Malthusian World for the Very Poorest
Half or more of the world’s population lives in areas of water scarcity. Climate change is undermining water and food security. The biggest impact will be in sub-Saharan Africa, which suffers overpopulation, poor governance, and low agricultural productivity. There is an increasing risk of endless poverty cycle for the poorest.
Global risks 2035- the search for a new normal
Atlantic Council
Malicious cyber activity is an increasing security challenge
Government and business services are moving online at higher rates than ever before, as are many of our personal interactions
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Male pregnancy & artificial wombs
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: No example found.
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Making globalisation work for all
For the past 20 years CEOs have been largely positive about the impacts of globalisation on their businesses and markets. But, by 2007, they were beginning to express reservations about the short-term effects on society. CEOs are still ambivalent. Today the vast majority believe that globalisation has helped to free up flows of money, people, goods and information, facilitate universal connectivity and create a skilled workforce. Yet a significant number say it’s done nothing to mitigate climate change, promote the development of fairer tax systems or close the gap between rich and poor (see Figure 14).
20th Annual global CEO survey
Mainstreamed IoT
While IoT is not a new concept, it will move from pre-adoption to a mainstream solution that retail, manufacturing, health care and other industries will integrate as an everyday business operation. It will change the way consumers and businesses get real-time data, engage with their users and interact with AI and machine learning.
2019 Tech Forecast: 11 Experts Predict The Next Wave Of Breakout Technologies
Machine-to-machine interaction technologies
The development of machine-to-machine interaction technologies (machine-to-machine, M2M) will lead to the emergence of more flexible opportunities for collaboration and distributed control of infrastructure objects and will become an important stage on the route to implementing the global concept of the “Internet of Things”.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Machine-readable world
In recent years, governments have started to discover the power of machine readability, with energy devoted to building open government data programmes that help to fuel innovations both within government and in the broader economy. They are now setting their aims even higher by developing innovative new projects that have the potential to completely reconceive one of the most foundational roles of government – creating laws and other rules that impact the daily lives of citizens and businesses. Governments are also seeking to digitise human characteristics, senses and surroundings to deliver innovative services and interventions. This growing wealth of machine-readable content serves as fuel for a new generation of innovations that use emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. While these advances show tremendous potential, they can also pose major risks and raise significant ethical questions. Governments should seek to understand and experiment with these technologies, but should do so in an informed and ethical way.
Machine Vision
From detecting corruption to diagnosing cancer, there are a multitude of uses for this AI technology.
Most contagious report 2018
Machine Learning Coming to Verify Your Identity
Machine learning will come into its own as a technology underpinning digital identity. Identity verification still largely relies on manual processes, bringing documents into the bank. Machine learning maturing as a technology which can carry out suitable verification checks.
Top Tech trends 2018
Juniper Research
Machine learning and AI
2017 technology trends - Increasing stratification and changing competitive dynamics