Trends Identified
Digital lessons from Africa
More than in any other world region, mobiles have played a central role in the development of internet behaviors in Africa. This is borne out in the habits of its digital consumers; many online behaviors in Africa are distinctly different from those seen in other parts of the world, and the trends emerging in this region offer us a glimpse into how the coming era of mobile primacy could impact other markets.
Trends 18
Digital Identities
Managing identity in an increasingly digital world The digital expression of identity grows increasingly complex every day. Not so long ago, an employee’s entire digital presence belonged almost exclusively to the employer, a practice that culminated in the mainframe ID. As enterprise technology expanded to include new tools and platforms, the number of digital identities grew. Today, many workers must manage a dozen or more user names and passwords across different roles on different systems to do their jobs.
Tech Trends 2012-Elevate IT for digital business
Digital holography technology
Holography is the technology that records or reproduces the distribution of light, which is reflected or diffracted by the actual image. This technology completely reproduces the actual image to give a three-dimensional effect to viewers. Digital holography is implemented by using the electronic devices and optoelectronic devices, and the holographic data is processed by the optical information processing technique. Digital holography is the core base technology that can be applied and used in various industries, such as culture, arts, display, measurement industry, healthcare, and academia.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2012
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Digital genome
While the first sequencing of the 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA that make up the human genome took many years and cost tens of millions of dollars, today your genome can be sequenced and digitized in minutes and at the cost of only a few hundred dollars. The results can be delivered to your laptop on a USB stick and easily shared via the internet. This ability to rapidly and cheaply determine our individual unique genetic make-up promises a revolution in more personalized and effective healthcare. Many of our most intractable health challenges, from heart disease to cancer, have a genetic component. Indeed, cancer is best described as a disease of the genome. With digitization, doctors will be able to make decisions about a patient’s cancer treatment informed by a tumour’s genetic make-up. This new knowledge is also making precision medicine a reality by enabling the development of highly targeted therapies that offer the potential for improved treatment outcomes, especially for patients battling cancer. Like all personal information, a person’s digital genome will need to be safeguarded for privacy reasons. Personal genomic profiling has already raised challenges, with regard to how people respond to a clearer understanding of their risk of genetic disease, and how others – such as employers or insurance companies – might want to access and use the information. However, the benefits are likely to outweigh the risks, because individualized treatments and targeted therapies can be developed with the potential to be applied across all the many diseases that are driven or assisted by changes in DNA.
Top 10 emerging technologies of 2015
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Digital Future
Fueled by the convergence of social, mobile, cloud, big data and growing demand for anytime anywhere access to information, technology is disrupting all areas of the business enterprise. Disruption is taking place across all industries and in all geographies. Enormous opportunities exist for enterprises to take advantage of connected devices enabled by the “Internet of Things” to capture vast amounts of information, enter new markets, transform existing products, and introduce new business and delivery models. However, the evolution of the digital enterprise also presents significant challenges, including new competition, changing customer engagement and business models, unprecedented transparency, privacy concerns and cybersecurity threats.
Megatrends 2015 -Making sense of a world in motion
Digital footprint eraser
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Suicide Machine (Netherlands), Just Delete Me (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Digital fabrication including 3-D printing
Digital fabrication including 3-D printing
Tech for good
Digital ethics and privacy
Consumers have an growing awareness of the value of their personal information, and they are increasingly concerned with how it’s being used by public and private entities. Enterprises that don’t pay attention are at risk of consumer backlash. Conversations regarding privacy must be grounded in ethics and trust. The conversation should move from “Are we compliant?” toward “Are we doing the right thing?” Governments are increasingly planning or passing regulations with which companies must be compliant, and consumers are carefully guarding or removing information about themselves. Companies must gain and maintain trust with the customer to succeed, and they must also follow internal values to ensure customers view them as trustworthy.
Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019
Digital engagement - Context + content for marketing . . . and beyond
Content and assets are increasingly digital—with audio, video, and interactive elements—and consumed across multiple channels, including not only mobile, social, and the web, but also in store, on location, or in the field. Whether for customers, employees, or business partners, digital engagement is about creating a consistent, compelling, and contextual way of personalizing, delivering, and sometimes even monetizing the user’s overall experience— especially as core products become augmented or replaced with digital intellectual property.
Tech trends 2014 - Inspiring Disruption