Trends Identified

Robots in manufacturing go back to the 1960s. Now it's the scale and breadth of the transformation that automated systems make possible, as a result of other advances in machine learning and connectivity, for example, that puts automation firmly at the forefront of technology trends. From convenient devices at home to industrial applications on a massive scale, automation will be a key focus of technological change, with potentially far-reaching economic and social consequences. Currently, professional services such as the legal and finance industry are being disrupted by automation with feedback from these sectors being that core technical skills together with management and people skills being more important than ever. How will automation disrupt your industry?
Five tech trends for 2019
University of Technology Sydney
Physical objects are becoming more and more frequently interconnected with digital technology (e.g., advanced robotics and sensing) and able to communicate without human intervention.
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Automating trust
One high potential area for blockchain, when used in combination with technologies like AI or IoT, is its ability to automate trust among users within a network. For example, IoT enables the tracking of a pallet of food from the farm to the warehouse to the store. The sensors can verify the entire supply chain — not only to know where a shipment is, for example, but also the recording conditions of each leg of the shipment so you know if conditions become too hot, too cold, or too humid. IoT and blockchain create an immutable supply chain, enabling buyers to trust they are getting an authentic product. They can also be used to verify if a product containing hazardous materials has been correctly and safely disposed.
The Essential Eight - Your guide to the emerging technologies revolutionizing business now
Automatic for the people
As automation becomes more widespread in everyday life, people will be thinking more consciously about its promise of greater convenience versus the loss of human interaction.
2018 trends
Automated voice spam (robocall) prevention
Spam phone calls are an ongoing problem of increasing sophistication, such as spoofing the caller ID number of the victim’s family and business associates. This is leading people to regularly ignore phone calls, creating risks such as true emergency calls going unanswered. However, emerging technology can now block spoofed caller ID and intercept questionable calls so the computer can ask questions of the caller to assess whether he or she is legitimate.
IEEE Computer Society Predicts the Future of Tech: Top 10 Technology Trends for 2019
IEEE Computer Society
Automated knowledge discovery
Example of Organizationsactive in the area:2 IBM (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Augmented reality technologies
Augmented reality technologies will be used as a basis for the creation of devices, which allow people to adapt the ways in which they interact with their environment through entirely new interfaces. A classic example of this concept is Google Goggles, which allows users to download information from the Internet on objects in their environment in real time. The most likely next step in the development of these technologies will be the appearance of special contact lenses imperceptible to others and able to transmit any information required from a variety of sources (including the Internet) to the user directly onto the retina of the eye. Thus, in terms of augmented reality the ways in which people socialise and perceive their surrounding environment could radically change, which in turn will bring about significant socio-economic effects.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Augmented reality goes mainstream
The mobile game Pokémon Go has unleashed a billion-dollar demand for augmented reality entertainment, and major brands are taking notice. Thanks to the introduction of affordable augmented reality glasses, our phones will remain in our pockets and Heads Up Displays (HUD) will improve how we work, shop, and play.
4 Technology Trends That Will Transform Our World in 2018
Augmented Reality Gets Real
Let’s get one thing clear: Augmented Reality is not a new thing. It has been a very, very slow burn. From BlippAR- integrated magazines to interactive head-tracking promotions for movies, creative technologists, brands with more money than sense, and agency innovation leads – you know the kinds of people we’re talking about – have been trying to make AR happen FOR YEARS. And let’s be honest: it hasn’t. But things are changing...
Key digital trends for 2018
Augmented Reality Everywhere - Coming soon: the world overlaid with data
Virtual reality (VR) immerses you in a fictional, isolated universe. Augmented reality (AR), in contrast, overlays computer-generated information on the real world in real time. As you look at or wear a device equipped with AR software and a camera—be it a smartphone, a tablet, a headset or smart glasses—the program analyzes the incoming video stream, downloads extensive information about the scene and superposes on it relevant data, images or animations, often in 3-D.
Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2018
Scientific American