Trends Identified

3D Scaffolds
Top 50 Emerging Technologies 2017
Frost & Sullivan
3D printing opens up amazing opportunities for manufacturers (and others)
Related to increasing automation, the invention of 3D printing is disrupting manufacturing, and other industries, in many positive ways. In traditional (subtractive) manufacturing, objects are cut or hollowed out of material, such as metal, using something like a cutting tool. But in 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing), the object is created by laying down, or adding, layers of material. The materials used in 3D printing can be pretty much anything: plastic, metal, concrete, liquid, powder, even chocolate or human tissue! With 3D printing, far more complex shapes can be created than in traditional manufacturing – and using less material, too. It also allows for much greater customization of products, without worrying about economies of scale.
9 Technology Mega Trends That Will Change The World In 2018
3D printing for development
The current ‘tipping point’ moment, where 3d printing is ‘coming of age as a manufacturing technique’ and is considered to be the cornerstone of a decentralised manufacturing revolution.
Ten Frontier Technologies for International Development
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
3D printing
Additive Since the invention of the laser in 1960, photonics technologies have been further developed and have emerged in applications like communications, lighting, displays, health, manufacturing bringing about major improvements and innovations. Photonics is now everywhere around us and in everyday products like DVD players and mobile phones. In 2005, the European Commission established the European Technology Platform in Photonics: "Photonics21". In 2009, the European Commission recognised Photonics as one of the Key Enabling Technologies and in 2013 it created the Public Private Partnership in Photonics. In Photonics21 the stakeholders develop a vision and a roadmap of photonics as a well-defined science leading to disruptive break- throughs in telecommunications, life sciences, manufacturing, lighting and displays, sensors and education.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
3D printing
Additive manufacturing techniques used
Innovation for the Earth - Harnessing technological breakthroughs for people and the planet
3D printing
3D printing is set to have potentially significant impacts on the logistics sector, driving more local production of goods and potentially reducing the transportation of intermediate goods across long distances. 4 According to Integracore, around 25 % of the freight, 41 % of the air cargo sector, and 37 % of the shipping sector may be at risk in the context of 3D printing. In estimating the implications for oil demand, there are data challenges related to the share that cargo makes up in the aviation and shipping sector respectively.
The bigger picture- The impact of automation, AI, shared economy on oil demand
The 2° Investing Initiative
3D printing
Another recent digital development, 3D printing, also offers potential economic, social and environmental benefits for developing countries. Invented three decades ago, 3D printing has become a viable technology for global manufacturers to produce critical parts for airplanes, wind turbines, automobiles and other machines as a result of huge reductions in its costs and complementary developments in computer-aided design, the Internet, new materials for manufacturing and cloud computing (Campbell et al., 2011).
Technology and Innovation Report 2018
3D printing
Additive manufacturing techniques to create objects by printing layers of material based on digital models
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
3D printing
The IoT and fine dining are increasingly crossing paths via 3D printing. Anything which can be liquidized, in theory, can form an ink which, layer by layer, amounts to a meal. And this has implications for customizing nutrients, liquidizing the unappealing. The process still takes a while — especially when cooling time is included. Moreover, the necessity of creating a cartridge for every different food group means additional costs and complexities. However, while to date 3D-printed food has found a foothold primarily in the more expensive restaurants, it is beginning to cross over into the mainstream.
How we eat now: five disruptive food trends
3D printing
Disruptive technologies barometer