Trends Identified

Shift in Global Economic Power
The falling prices of crude oil, depreciation of strong currencies and rise of emerging economies poised challenges to the dominant powerhouses are some of the signs of global economic shift occurring presently.
Science & Technology Foresight Malaysia
Malaysia, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Shift in global economic power
Some emerging economies that were growing rapidly are now in recession. Commodity prices have played a considerable role in sending these economies into reverse. Businesses that are investing, or already invested, in emerging economies will need to make a careful assessment of whether and, if so, how they should manage in these more volatile market conditions, where prospects look less certain today than they did even a few years ago.
Sharing Economy
The collaborative nature of the online environment has led to the rise of the sharing economy, in which technology is leveraged to unlock idle capacity and provide access to products through renting or borrowing.
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Sharing economy
Car- and bike-sharing programs, as well as the revolution in the nature of taxi services is set to reduce the purchase of private vehicles and by extension likely the consumption of oil related to passenger vehicles . Estimates by McKinsey suggest that the sharing economy is likely to reduce car sales by around 10 % over the next 25 years. The effect on oil demand in 2040 of this trend is somewhat uncertain, related to both the speed of adoption of the sharing economy and the actual replacement of oil – fueled vehicles with alternatives.
The bigger picture- The impact of automation, AI, shared economy on oil demand
The 2° Investing Initiative
Share, exchange & analyse
Humans will increasingly generate data from their explicit (e.g. social media) and implicit (e.g. web browsing) digital activities. The internet is powerful in connecting, optimising and enabling collaborative consumption, however, we leave many traces. Where monopolies emerge, privacy is an issue.
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Shape-shifting matter
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Intel (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Settling other worlds
How will space tourism companies make sure their activities are safe? How will we find ways to send humans to Mars or another planet to live there, as Stephen Hawking has urged us to figure out? Space travel might seem like the domain of space agencies and billionaires today, but as it becomes more accessible to everybody else, a whole host of new challenges will emerge. Outer space is increasingly looking less like the final frontier and more like our backyard, and with more money being shelled out to get humans up to the inky abyss than ever before, the logistics, safety and diplomacy behind the challenge all demand serious consideration.
10 grand challenges we’ll face by 2050
Services Thinking
SOA what? Service orientation extends to the business Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) grew as a technical answer to an age-old question: How do companies gain agility and flexibility – especially in a world increasingly dependent on complex, interconnected IT systems? Unfortunately, the potential of SOA has been constrained by its very definition. By confining SOA to the realm of IT, opportunities have been largely limited to Service Oriented (Software) Architecture. In 2010, look for SOA to move powerfully outside of IT into business strategy, organization design, and governance models. It’s what some call Service Oriented (Business) Architecture – and it’s a new way to manage the relationship between business and IT. This holistic approach is the essence of Services Thinking.
Depth perception A dozen technology trends shaping business and IT in 2010
Services increasingly customized to the individual
Sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) in print media, signs, and devices will mean that services can be increasingly tailored to the users’ interests by sensing their demographic information and recalling prior choices. Public spaces will be more interactive and able to offer pertinent information without the user navigating tedious menus. Repeat business is ensured by remembering past preferences. AI could remind a hairstylist how a person likes their hair cut, or what toppings they prefer at the burger joint. Means of gathering instant feedback around new experiences will also be useful; at the dentist, a brain-computer interface could verify the patient’s level of comfort. AI tutors could offer students personal attention and “gamify” learning goals (apply game techniques) to encourage progress.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
Seriously Serious
Digital marketing has grown up. So has the Web as a whole. Both the grown up practice and the grown up medium are facing serious challenges which will and must be addressed in 2018. GDPR represents a positive step. There is also an array of initiatives to address problems with fraud in digital display and confront client concerns about programmatic buying. Platforms are working to make measurement more transparent and deliver a clearer link between marketing activity and business outcomes. A lot of progress will be made in 2018, but not enough. Governments will have to make progress on state-sponsored hacking. The security industry will have to make big progress to protect us from the ever-increasing volume of madness. These are needs well beyond the purview of marketers and probably unrealistic for much progress in 2018.
Key digital trends for 2018