Trends Identified

System-based Technology for Particulate Matter Control
(Definition) Measures, classifies, samples, purifies, predicts, and monitors PM10 in the atmosphere to allow people to engage in daily activities safely. (Application) Particulate matter prediction and monitoring alert system; portable guide programs for Particulate matter measurement and management; particulate matter removal (purification) system for indoor environments.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2016
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Beyond shanghai: the age of urbanization
The shifting of the locus of economic activity and dynamism to emerging markets like China and to cities within those markets. These emerging markets are going through simultaneous industrial and urban revolutions, shifting the center of the world economy east and south at a speed never before witnessed.
The four global forces breaking all the trends
The tip of the iceberg: Accelerating technological change
Technology—from the printing press to the steam engine and the Internet—has always been a great force in overturning the status quo. The difference today is the sheer ubiquity of technology in our lives and the speed of change.
The four global forces breaking all the trends
Getting old isn’t what it used to be: Responding to the challenges of an aging world
The human population is getting older. Fertility is falling, and the world’s population is graying dramatically. While aging has been evident in developed economies for some time—Japan and Russia have seen their populations decline over the past few years—the demographic deficit is now spreading to China and soon will reach Latin America. For the first time in human history, aging could mean that the planet’s population will plateau in most of the world.
The four global forces breaking all the trends
Trade, people, finance, and data: Greater global connections
The world is much more connected through trade and through movements in capital, people, and information (data and communication)—what we call “f lows.” Trade and finance have long been part of the globalization story but, in recent decades, there’s been a significant shift. Instead of a series of lines connecting major trading hubs in Europe and North America, the global trading system has expanded into a complex, intricate, sprawling web.
The four global forces breaking all the trends
The population in developing regions is projected to increase from 5.9 billion in 2013 to 8.2 billion in 2050 whilst the population of developed regions will remain around 1.3 billion people;
SDG industry matrix
Income growth
Between 2010 and 2020, the world’s bottom 40% will nearly double their spending power from US$3 trillion to US$5.8 trillion;
SDG industry matrix
Rapid innovation is catalysing improved market analysis, knowledge sharing, product and service design, renewable energy sources, distribution models and operational efficiencies. Technology is also lowering market entry costs for non-traditional actors and start-ups with innovative ‘disruptive’ business models;
SDG industry matrix
Governments, businesses, international financial institutions, the United Nations, civil society and academia are developing new ways of working with each other in pursuit of compatible objectives.
SDG industry matrix
Diverging global population trends
Across the world, the basic determinants of population size and structure — fertility, mortality and migration — have been fundamentally altered by the processes of social and economic development. As a result, the global population doubled to 7 billion in the last half century and will continue growing fast in coming decades, although regional trends differ markedly. In advanced economies, populations are ageing and in some cases reducing in size. At the other extreme, populations in the least developed countries are expanding rapidly. Migration is also affecting the distribution and structure of populations, as people move in search of higher earnings or to escape conflict or environmental degradation.
Assessment of global megatrends - an update
European Environment Agency (EEA)