
Launch: UNDP-RISE SDG TrendScanner

by Lars-Henrik Björnsson


Launch: UNDP-RISE SDG TrendScanner

Read the press releases from:



"We have 250 side events going on and for me this is the mother of side events …If we don’t get it right with disruptive trends we can forget about the SDGs, the 2030 Agenda and global sustainability. My request and my commitment will be that if we can replicate the discussion today and have it with a wider audience. That’s my invitation to you, let’s take a bigger room across the street next time [in the UN headquarter not only a room in the UNDPs headquarter]." 

Abdoulaye Mar Dieye
Assistant Secretary-General and Director, Policy and Programme Support, UNDP


Download presentations by the Trendexperts:

Jacques Bughin, McKinsey

Gautam Jaggi, EY

Bhushan Sethi, PWC

Katherine Blue, KPMG