Trends Identified

Regulations: Public & Private
Nearly two-thirds of CEOs – rising to more than three-quarters in some parts of Europe – factor the regulatory framework into their business decisions to ‘a great extent’. Taxation and the labour laws are the two areas of regulation CEOs would most like to see improved. However, there are significant national variations in opinion. More than half of all CEOs support global harmonisation of critical elements of the regulatory regime. Very few CEOs believe that their governments are reducing the regulatory burden or creating a business-friendly environment. A study with the World Bank concludes that there is a win-win on both sides, if government simplifies tax systems, eases the compliance cost on businesses and reduces tax rates.
11th Annual global CEO Survey
Network of objects — devices, vehicles, etc. — embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity, and compute capability, that can collect and exchange data over the Internet. IoT enables devices to be connected and remotely monitored or controlled. The term IoT has come to represent any device that is now “connected” and accessible via a network connection.
Tech breaktroughs megatrend
Internet of Things
Network of objects embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity and computer capability, that can collect and exchange data over the internet and enable smart solutions.
Innovation for the Earth - Harnessing technological breakthroughs for people and the planet
The Internet of Things
Networks of low-cost sensors and actuators for data collection, monitoring, decision making, and process optimization
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
Virtual Databases
Networks will undergo continual evolution of form not just scale. For example, incremental development of the ‘semantic web’ will occur, enabling machines to recognise, identify, capture, manipulate and interpret data with minimal or no human intervention. The semantic web, and associated technologies, will effectively create an integrated data store, with an unprecedented level of access that can be exploited by reasoning techniques to provide more sophisticated forms of analysis. The exploitation of these techniques may expose hitherto unseen patterns, interactions and associations, with potentially wide-ranging, unforeseen and unpredictable consequences. Sophisticated data-mining tools will include automatic data reduction/filtering along with automated algorithmic analysis to enable faster access to relevant information. Virtual Knowledge Bases will store knowledge extracted from traditional documents or messages within large meta-data (database) structures, and in logical formats that intelligent software can interpret. Virtual Knowledge Bases will provide: improved searching and alerts to stored information; the ability to answer questions across the whole knowledge store in near natural language form; and automated situation reports on demand and in response to events to enhance situational awareness.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Employers will make room for neurodiversity.
Neurodiversity refers to the inclusion of people with all sorts of cognitive abilities and patterns, from ADHD and dyslexia to people on the autism spectrum. It is coming to workplaces as the chronological consequence of a cultural and scientific shift in the 1990s; conditions once seen as pathologies to be medicalized became differences society should embrace. “You have a whole generation of people who were much more rigorously diagnosed entering the workforce now,” says Ed Thompson, founder of Uptimize, an organization that helps employers attract, hire and retain neurodivergent talent. Add to that a “chronic war for talent,” he says, which is prompting recruiters to look beyond their usual demographics, and neurodiversity is “becoming a category of workplace [diversity and inclusion] that a lot of people are talking about in a way that wasn’t true even a year ago.”
50 Big Ideas for 2019: What to watch in the year ahead
Neuromorphic Hardware – Using Nature’s Designs
Neuromorphic hardware is based on conventional processors that are conceptually inspired by neurobiological architectures. Neuromorphic systems are at the very early prototype stage between basic and applied research but the topic is gaining traction within the industry. Companies such as IBM, Intel, Samsung, HP and Google are using the neuromorphic concept to build energy-effi cient networks inspired by biology. Neuromorphic hardware promises new designs for diff erent ways of computing and extreme performance while using little energy. It is suitable for use cases based on machine learning, in particular for pattern recognition, event-driven vision processing, and robotics. It is in competition with quantum computing and in both cases the complexities are potential threats. For now, classical GPUs are more accessible and easily programmable than neuromorphic silicon and programming neuromorphic hardware requires new methodologies that still have to be developed. Based on our learning from the neuromorphic hardware research project within the “Human Brain Project” at University Heidelberg, but we believe that the neuromorphic approach will lead to new concepts in combination with machine learning and powerful graphical GPUs.
Trend Report 2018 - Emerging Technology Trends
Neurostimulation covers those technologies that stimulate, or block, certain parts of the nervous system, particularly within the brain. The technology is used to treat various severe neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, depression and insomnia. Neurostimula on can also be used to augment human cognitive function. Neurostimulation has historically been performed through both invasive (surgery) and non-invasive means (taking pills, electrical stimulation). Wearable headsets are now being marketed that work by adding a slight voltage to neurons, letting them fire more easily. These devices use transcranial direct current stimula on (tDCS), which has the potential to enhance language, learning, attention, problem solving, coordination and memory functions; help combat insomnia, anxiety, and depression; and manage pain. The future use of both “smart drugs” and tDCS could allow some people to gain a competitive advantage over others.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
Demographic shifts transform the global workforce
Never before has demographic change happened so quickly. Global employers face the challenge that, despite a growing global population, they will soon have to recruit from a shrinking workforce due to an aging population.
Tracking global trends - How six key developments are shaping the business world
Enhanced education technology
New approaches are needed to meet the challenge of educating a growing young population and providing the skills that are essential to the knowledge economy. This is especially the case in today’s rapidly evolving and hyperconnected globalized society. Personalized IT-based approaches to education are emerging that allow learner-centred education, critical thinking development and creativity. Rapid developments in social media, open courseware and ubiquitous access to the Internet are facilitating outside classroom and continuous education.
The top 10 emerging technologies for 2012
World Economic Forum (WEF)