Trends Identified

Modern masculinity
Brand feminism has been one of the most discussed themes in our industry recently and forward- thinking companies are working hard to improve the way women are portrayed in ads. But some brands are now adopting the same approach to challenge male stereotypes. From husbands doing housework to guys in heels, last year brands began to embrace more diverse representations of men. Since then, the cultural conversation around ‘toxic masculinity’ has gained momentum, pressuring marketers to adapt to the shift or risk irrelevance.
Most contagious
Marketing and HR: unlikely allies
Brand marketers and HR join forces to drive greater value from the inside out, from employee to customer.As demand for more connectivity increases across all touchpoints in our lives, the push for end-to-end experience design will require closer relationships between people and product. Employee engagement, employee satisfaction, and employee retention are key to those relationships. Marketing and HR departments that partner together and blur traditional functional siloes are better positioned to attract, engage, and outperform their competition.With the rise in demand for innovative, creative, and branded employee experiences, leaders from HR and marketing will be 2019’s most critical power team. This new emphasis on the integration between customer experience and employee experience will require diversifying and attracting new types of talent to those roles.
The top trends for brands to watch in 2019
Divisive Values
Brands are no longer shying away from polarising political and social issues, and they’re increasing their fame and fortune in the process.
Most contagious report 2018
Don’t get stuck in the middle
Brands must strategically commit to either a high-end or low-fidelity value proposition. We are seeing a new polarity in brands: companies offer either a low-cost, low-fidelity value or a high-end experience. Consumers will pay a premium for brands that provide a unique über-experience but they also want brands that provide what they want at a low cost. Even mainstream brands need to offer unique experiences in order to influence engagement and commitment and to drive repeat purchase. In 2019, brands that operate in the middle, offering utilitarian value without a distinct point of difference, will die.
The top trends for brands to watch in 2019
The dawn of the coded brand
Brands will hardwire behaviors into their actual coding in unprecedented ways. This will offer customers a consistent experience no matter when or where they meet a brand.
Trend watch 2018: the next five
Asset Intelligence
Bring your value chain to life using signals, not just sensors IT models of business operations have long relied on software abstractions and data approximations, with decisions derived from information systems running within corporate data centers. Other company assets, such as finished goods, equipment, materials, plants, and even many employees, were disconnected or passive participants. Until now.
Depth perception A dozen technology trends shaping business and IT in 2010
Radiating elements based on nano-scale heterostructures
Broad prospects for the development of nanotechnologies are offered by radiating elements based on nano-scale heterostructures, including lasers and organic light emitting diodes. Organic light emitting diodes, one of the most cost-effective sources of light, are renowned for their unique slim design and high flexibility, offering a broad range of the light spectrum and light stream geometries to which humans are readily accustomed. They can be manufactured in any form, almost at will, and “fit” into working and residential premises of different scales. Lasers have already been widely used in medicine, mechanical engineering, construction and land surveying following the development of the printed circuit board and integrated boards. They are used to detect various substances (including weapons and explosives), for heating through thermonuclear synthesis and in astronomy.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Data security
Building barriers in an age of blurred lines
Corum Top Ten Disruptive Technology Trends 2018
Design for Analytics
Business intelligence. Data analytics. Big data. Companies are no longer suffering from a lack of data; they’re suffering from a lack of the right data. Business leaders need the right data in order to effectively define the strategic direction of the enterprise. The current generation of software was designed for functionality. The next generation must be designed for analytics as well.
Accenture Technology Vision 2013
Event-Driven Model
Business is always sensing, and ready to exploit, new digital business moments (see "Business Events, Business Moments and Event Thinking in Digital Business" (/doc/code/338380?ref=ddisp) ). This is central to digital business. Business events reflect the discovery of notable states or state changes, such as the completion of a purchase order. Some business events, or combinations of events, constitute business moments — detected situations that call for specific business actions. The most significant business moments have implications for multiple parties (for example, separate applications, lines of business or partners).
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018