Trends Identified

Extended Reality -The End of Distance
Virtual and augmented reality technologies are removing the distance to people, information, and experiences, transforming the ways people live and work.
Accenture Technology vision 2018
Data Veracity- The Importance of Trust
By transforming themselves to run on data, businesses have created a new kind of vulnerability: inaccurate, manipulated, and biased data that leads to corrupted business insights, and skewed decisions with a major impact on society.
Accenture Technology vision 2018
Frictionless Business - Built to Partner at Scale
Businesses depend on technology-based partnerships for growth, but their own legacy systems aren’t designed to support partnerships at scale. To fully power the connected Intelligent Enterprise, companies must first re-architect themselves.
Accenture Technology vision 2018
Internet of thinking- Creating Intelligent Distributed Systems
Businesses are making big bets on intelligent environments via robotics, AI and immersive experiences. But to bring these intelligent environments to life, they must extend their infrastructures into the dynamic, real-world environments they want to reach.
Accenture Technology vision 2018
Intelligent Automation
Intelligent automation is the launching pad for new growth and innovation. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the next wave of solutions will gather unprecedented amounts of data from disparate systems and—by weaving systems, data, and people together—create solutions that fundamentally change the organization, as well as what it does and how it does it.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
Liquid Workforce
Companies are investing in the tools and technologies they need to keep pace with constant change in the digital era. But there is typically a critical factor that is falling behind: the workforce. Companies need more than the right technology; they need to harness that technology to enable the right people to do the right things in an adaptable, change-ready, and responsive liquid workforce.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
Platform Economy
The next wave of disruptive innovation will arise from the technology-enabled, platformdriven ecosystems now taking shape across industries. Having strategically harnessed technology to produce digital businesses, leaders are now creating the adaptable, scalable, and interconnected platform economy that underpins success in an ecosystem-based digital economy.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
Predictable Disruption
Every business now understands the transformational power of digital. What few, though, have grasped is quite how dramatic and ongoing the changes arising from new platformbased ecosystems will be. It’s not just business models that will be turned on their heads. As these ecosystems produce powerful, predictable disruption, whole industries and economic segments will be utterly redefined and reinvented.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
Digital Trust
Pervasive new technologies raise potent new digital risk issues. Without trust, businesses cannot share and use the data that underpins their operations. That’s why the most advanced security systems today go well beyond establishing perimeter security and incorporate a powerful commitment to the highest ethical standards for data.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
The Internet of Me: Our world, personalized
As everyday objects are going online, so too are experiences— creating an abundance of digital channels that reach deep into every aspect of individuals’ lives. Forwardthinking businesses are changing the ways they build new applications, products, and services. To gain control over these points of access, they are creating highly personalized experiences that engage and exhilarate consumers—without breaching the customer’s trust. The companies that succeed in this new “Internet of Me” will become the next generation of household names.
Accenture Technology Vision 2015