Trends Identified
Individual empowerment
Over the next 15 to 20 years, continued giving from groups like the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will lift millions of people out of poverty, the report found, to the extent that the majority of the world's population will no longer be impoverished. This new wealth will produce millions more empowered individuals that will have the means to add to local and national economies. The report hedged slightly, however, because more empowered people will also have greater access to lethal weapons and networks, which is "a capability formerly the monopoly of states."
4 mega-trends that could change the world by 2030
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Individual Empowerment: More Unintended Consequences
The global middle class worries about falling back into poverty. Democratization lags and there is a loss of Western confidence in democracy. Citizenship becomes supplanted by self/group identity, spurred by the Internet.
Global risks 2035- the search for a new normal
Atlantic Council
Individualism and entrepreneurship
Independence is becoming the dominant motivator for a large section of the population, particularly for millennials (born from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s) and Gen-Zers (born in the mid- to late 1990s and after). These younger people tend to get bored doing the same kind of work for long stretches, and they are especially interested in independent careers. Empowered by digital platforms and ecosystems, many are choosing entrepreneurship and self-employment over traditional corporate employment. By 2020, freelancers will constitute 50% of the workforce
Twelve Forces That Will Radically Change How Organizations Work
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to the undifferentiated state of an embryonic stem cell. The unlimited differentiation potential and use of the patient’s own cells facilitate the application of the technology for medical purposes.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2009
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Industrial and technological revolution
By 2035, technological advances will have a major impact on the social and economic foundations of society, potentially more far-reaching than the initial phase of computerisation from the 1980s onwards. Technologies involving automation and machine learning have the potential to disrupt job markets, making millions of jobs obsolete. As technologies like self- driving cars begins to proliferate, governments at all levels will be faced with questions of adaptation, governance, and human development. Countries will be forced to consider how much of their core information infrastructure they will permit to be run by companies domiciled in other countries. Parties may be faced with a trade-off between protecting consumers’ privacy and encouraging the growth of artificial intelligence firms that rely on large amount of data for training and improving algorithms. The question of when platform companies achieve monopolistic power will be a key issue brought before the court system in many countries.
Global trends to 2035
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Industrial processes become more environmental
Growing pressure on renewable and non-renewable resources, as well as public concern about the safety of new nano and biomaterials, will put greater emphasis on building “closed-loop systems.” In these systems, waste from one industry becomes the feedstock for another. Products may be designed to be safe and fully recyclable. Synthetic biology will enable industrial processes to mimic nature (e.g., enzymes can accelerate the decomposition of industrial waste into safe by-products and have commercial value), and nanotechnology will produce new goods with new properties at a smaller scale that may use far less resources. (For example, soon, a smart phone will contain 20 or 30 tiny nanosensors that collect biometric data.)
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
Industrialized analytics - Data is the new oil. Where are the refineries?
Data is a foundational component of digital transformation. Yet, few organizations have invested in the dedicated talent, platforms, and processes needed to turn information into insights. To realize data’s full potential, some businesses are adopting new governance approaches, multitiered data usage and management models, and innovative delivery methods to enable repeatable results and scale. Indeed, they are treating data analysis as a strategic discipline and investing in industrial-grade analytics.
Tech trends 2016 - innovating in the digital era
Industrialized crowdsourcing - Sometimes more is better
Enterprise adoption of the power of the crowd allows specialized skills to be dynamically sourced from anyone, anywhere, and only as needed. Companies can use the collective knowledge of the masses to help with tasks from data entry and coding to advanced analytics and product development. The potential for disruptive impact on cost alone likely makes early experimentation worthwhile, but there are also broader implications for innovation in the enterprise.
Tech trends 2014 - Inspiring Disruption
Industrialized data services
Now that data is being decoupled, enterprises are using it in many different ways to unlock far more of its potential value. They’re actively hunting for other useful data—outside their organizations as well as inside—while keeping their eyes open for opportunities to share their data. But most early datasharing activities are ad hoc. Needed next: fresh approaches to data management.
Accenture Technology Vision 2012
Industry Consolidation
After a minor decline in 2016, merger and acquisition activity – particularly across borders – is expected to increase, especially with the return of private equity buyers to the transaction market.
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World