Trends Identified
Keeping the wealthy healthy
Aging populations in the advanced economies, more and better medical treatments, and changes in payment systems to make healthcare spending more efficient will spur innovation and reform. Estimated contribution to global GDP by 2020: $4 trillion.
The great eight: Trillion-dollar growth trends to 2020
Bain and Company
Know-how base
Performance of the global knowledge society will improve over the next twenty years. The cross-linking of knowledge via the Internet will increase significantly up to 2030. Some experts predict that Internet users will consume an average of 3 gigabytes of data per day by 2030. The Internet could already have 5 billion users by 2020, about 2.9 billion more than today. The build-up of knowledge networks in the Internet has already increased significantly to date. For example, since the online encyclopedia Wikipedia was launched in 2001, the number of English articles has risen to over 3.5 million (as of the beginning of 2011).
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Knowledge and Democracy
Our democracies have a common life – but there is much disorder in it – the cultivation of suspicion towards foreigners, the manipulation of fear and the knowing disregard for truth. If our democracies were in healthier shape, we could face the challenge of resurgent authoritarianism with confidence, but there are few democracies, whether in the Central European region or elsewhere, that are in good shape. There is so much inequality and injustice; so much corruption and self- dealing, so many unanswered attacks on the independence of institutions, from the courts to the press.
Shaping the future
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Knowledge Worker
Intellectual capital has risen in value compared to physical labor and financial capital, placing a premium on the creation, acquisition, management, and application of knowledge to gain a competitive advantage.
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Lab-Grown Meat - Meat produced without killing animals is heading to your dinner table
Imagine biting into a juicy beef burger that was produced without killing animals. Meat grown in a laboratory from cultured cells is turning that vision into a reality. Several start-ups are developing lab-grown beef, pork, poultry and seafood—among them Mosa Meat, Memphis Meats, SuperMeat and Finless Foods. And the field is attracting millions in funding. In 2017, for instance, Memphis Meats took in $17 million from sources that included Bill Gates and agricultural company Cargill.
Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2018
Scientific American
Labor productivity and talent management
Low birth rates and graying workforces in most developed economies will make it hard for them to achieve steady growth unless they continue to make sizable gains in labor productivity. A majority of all respondents, 62 percent, do expect moderate gains in the next five to ten years in developed economies, and another 13 percent expect the gains to be significant.
Five forces reshaping the global economy: McKinsey Global Survey results
Labour underutilization is more prevalent among women
Apart from the unemployed, a further 140 million people were in the “potential labour force” in 2018, which means that they have to be classified as underutilized labour. This group of people who are looking for a job but are not available to take up employment, or who are available but are not looking for a job, includes far more women (85 million) than men (55 million). The corresponding rate of labour underutilization is consequently much higher for women, at 11.0 per cent, than for men, at 7.1 per cent. In addition, women are much more likely to work part time and a significant proportion say they would prefer more hours of employment.
World Employment and Social Outlook
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Lack of leadership
A startling 86% of respondents to the Survey on the Global Agenda agree that we have a leadership crisis in the world today. Why would they say this? Perhaps because the international community has largely failed to address any major global issue in recent years. It has failed to deal with global warming, then barely dealt with the failure of the global economy, which has caused such severe problems in North America and Europe. Meanwhile violence has been left to fester in the Middle East, the region our Survey showed is most affected by, and concerned about this problem. So why are we suffering such a lack of leadership?
Outlook on the global agenda 2015
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Land and water
In spite of the continent’s immense size, pressures on land and water will shape the future. As population pressure increases, it is likely that more land will be cultivated for longer periods of time, reducing vegetative cover, lowering soil fertility and accelerating erosion. Water consumption will increase for each of the major uses - irrigation, domestic and industrial. In sub-Saharan Africa, mean water withdrawals and total water consumption will increase at least up to 2025.
Africa in 50 Years’ Time
African Development Bank
Land registries based on Geographic Information Systems
Registers developed on the basis of geographic information systems are a system for quantitative and qualitative information on the state of natural resources, their economic and social value, as well as the breakdown and categories of users. All registers contain explicit and implicit spatial data; however, under the existing system the accumulation and storage of information on their “spatiality” is not in any way used in the procedures of services connected with the extraction and comparison of information stored in multiple registers. The creation of registers based on integrated GIS platforms will reduce the time taken to provide a service to a few minutes (currently, in Russian departments it can take days or weeks). During their development, there may be potential to allow for integration into other GIS platforms and databases. Moreover, keeping registers will open up a broad range of analytical capabilities and will become a key factor in the development of state and municipal services on an entirely different level.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation