Trends Identified

Land Tenure and Access
Recent trends in both rural and urban areas in sub- Saharan Africa suggest that the institutions governing land access may become a critical source of tension in the coming decades. Land tenure systems need to be able to respond to demographic, physical and economic pressures. However, the process of change is typically very slow, and societal constraints on public action may be substantial.
Africa in 50 Years’ Time
African Development Bank
Language Development
English is likely to consolidate its position as the internationally dominant language for data and global services. Other supplementary transnational languages, such as Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic, may also proliferate as engagement in globalised communication increases. Sophisticated translation devices are likely to become widely available before 2040.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Latchkey Loyalty - Harnessing the free range shopper
In Latchkey Loyalty, anticipate consumers to seriously review long-term and overly complex commercial entanglements in favour of commitment-lite engagement where simplicity and ease of entry/departure are emphasised. The demand for relationships of this kind has been building for some time among capricious consumers: but herein lies renewed opportunity to creatively ensnare the shopper in gilded cages of apparent freedom and comfort, from where “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”.
Trending 2018
Foresight Factory
Launch of payloads into orbit using heavy space preparations and modular carrier rockets
In terms of services to place payloads in orbit there will be some development in the transportation of high-mass space instruments and the volume of payloads and spacecraft will increase by using lighter materials and integrated systems alongside reductions in the negative environmental impact.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Learning isn’t enough; professionals will focus on doing.
After the explosion of the online learning sector, our heads are full of all those classes we’ve been taking. But what we are doing with this newfound knowledge? Whitney Johnson, author of "Build and A Team" and "Disrupt Yourself," says the next trend is to focus on improving our behavior, not just our expertise, in order to apply these lessons to our work and personal lives. She points to the success of books like "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and "Willpower Doesn’t Work" by Benjamin Hardy, along with perennial bestseller "The Power of Habits" by Charles Duhigg. “Perhaps because of the political environment, people want to take action, take control,” Johnson says. “And the only thing you can control is what you do.”
50 Big Ideas for 2019: What to watch in the year ahead
Learning on the job will never stop
How will our education institutions keep up? Today, there is a disconnect between education providers and employers. In the future, however, technology will enable education and training to respond dynamically to real-time labor market changes. With widespread access to training and courses online and available on-demand, workers can be informed of skill updates while they work, and will regularly top up their education with the skills they need to remain relevant in the workforce.
14 tech predictions for our world in 2020
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Learning to live and invest in an insecure world is difficult.
Learning to live and invest in an insecure world is difficult. Technology and globalization can drive economic growth, but can also have a destabilizing impact on society. Geopolitical risks are proliferating quickly. Investments in technology, people and support systems that can maintain security will be important.
Eight long-term trends for growth investors
Morgan Stanley
Leisure time is expanding, allowing people to spend more time on recreational activities.
Leisure time is expanding, allowing people to spend more time on recreational activities. One reason for the growth: People are multitasking leisure activities like social media, gaming and watching TV. This creates potential for earnings gains in sectors like entertainment, travel and media.
Eight long-term trends for growth investors
Morgan Stanley
Less confidence in Trump compared with Merkel and other world leaders
Globally, more people have confidence in Angela Merkel than in Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump. A global median of 42% across 37 countries has confidence in the German chancellor when it comes to world affairs, compared with 28% for China’s leader, 27% for Russia’s leader and 22% for the American president. Confidence in Merkel is especially high in Europe, where about nine-in-ten Dutch and Swedish people (89% each) and about eight-in-ten Germans (81%) and French (79%) trust the chancellor on the world stage. But Merkel also draws considerable confidence in South Korea (74%), Vietnam (72%), Australia (70%) and Japan (67%).
6 trends in international public opinion from our Global Indicators Database
Pew Research Center
(Definition) Wireless communication technology which combines high efficiency light LED and wifi using light. (Application) The technology provides high speed communication service at low price at the intensity of LED where we cannot visualize without crossing of frequencies. It can majorly improve internet accessibility.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2015
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)