Trends Identified

Multi-purpose Vaccine
Multi-purpose vaccines prevent diseases caused by most variants of pathogenic bacteria and reduce the number of vaccinations a child receives. Identifying safe and effective antigens, and ensuring the stability of the vaccine is important. The technology uses DNA vaccines that target DNA sequences common in widely ranging pathogens.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2010
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Multidimensional poverty
During the MDG period the world has seen significant progress in economic and human development.
Global trends
Meet consumers’ needs at the speed of now Technology is creating a world of intensely customized and on-demand experiences, and companies must reinvent their organizations to find and capture those opportunities as they come. That means viewing each opportunity as if it’s an individual market—a momentary market.
Accenture Technology Vision 2019- The Post-Digital Era is Upon Us ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT’S NEXT?
Nano bio-sensor
The technology is a bio-element which can detect the presence of specific material, enzyme, antibody, cell, DNA and etc. One can easily check-up his health by testing the blood easily, quickly and at lower price. This technology will be the core element in smart healthcare service as it will continuously miniaturized to be applied on site and be able to go inside the body.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2013
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Nano- and micro-robotics systems
Nano- and microrobotics systems appear to be very promising in terms of their use in medicine, including to develop next-generation surgical devices. In this group, promising products include: movable elements of nano- and microrobotics systems based on laminated nanocomposite materials; integrated equipment based on mechatronic modules to machine complex parts; active nanostructures based on magneto-elastic materials and multiferroics with artificially created critical states, designed for micro-electromechanical systems; mechatronic modules used for spatial positioning of nanosystems and nanotechnological equipment based on incremental micromotors, roller drives and microprocessor control systems.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Nanoelectronics is the advanced technology which exploits qualitatively new phenomena of electric circuits functionality emerging at nanoscales. Particularly promising are applications involving quantum nature of those systems such as quantum coherence and the intrinsic spin of an electron. Current research deals with new generation of quantum devices, which open up horizons for qualitatively new applications such as quantum computing/communication, quantum metrological standards, various logic devices. These developments will provide systemic solutions addressing fundamental limitations of conventional ("More Moore"), and even less conventional CMOS technologies (‘more than Moore’ or ‘Beyond CMOS’). Exploiting a broad variety of materials, phenomena and integrating multiple functions in miniaturised smart systems is the next frontier in Nanoelectronics.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Increasing use is being made of small and very small satellites with growing capabilities. This will give policy makers an expanding spectrum of sophisticated tools to address “grand” challenges for both civilian and defence purposes.
OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016
Top 50 Emerging Technologies 2017
Frost & Sullivan
Nanodevices are machines made of a number of molecular parts that do useful work (such as moving
or changing electrically, chemically or optically) in response to specific inputs. Examples include nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), nanosensors, nanocomputers and nanorobots. They have surprising energy-efficiency, power density, sensitivity and optical efficiency. Their small size also reduces production costs and increases the number of devices running in parallel, increasing speed. They are likely to be of most use in medical devices, although their small size may lead them to be treated as “smart” drugs. They are also likely to be components of human-scale devices to increase the performance or provide new abilities.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
Nano-scale systems often exhibit properties that improve upon or are much different from their human-scale varieties; for example, silver exhibits anti-bacterial properties at the nano-scale that are absent at the macro-scale. As scientists work with materials close to the molecular level, they can produce new and useful materials, such as nanocellulose and nanocarbon. Both have impressive performance characteristics, being respectively 10 and 50 times stronger than steel for their weight. Nanocoatings provide new ways to make structures self-cleaning, more durable and perhaps even able to receive, store and respond to stimuli. Other nanomaterials are excellent catalysts for making chemistry greener and cheaper. Over the next 15 years, nanomaterials will change the types of things we build and how we build them.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada