Trends Identified

Access to technology
The ability of individuals, non-state actors to access technology has significantly increased.
Strategic foresight analysis
Achieve innovation and resilience through diversity
Diversity is not only a moral imperative—it can also make businesses more effective in the long run. Our study of more than 1,700 companies around the world shows that diversity increases the capacity for innovation by expanding the range of a company’s ideas and options. And as the speed of change accelerates, innovation and reinvention are increasingly necessary to stay on top. The most obvious sources of diversity, such as gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, are indeed important in driving innovation, but variety of work experience and educational background is also meaningful. Importantly, these factors are mostly additive, so companies that are diverse on multiple dimensions are even more innovative. Structural diversity alone, however, is insufficient. Organizations also need an environment conducive to embracing new ideas, and they must install open communication practices, participative leadership, commitment to building diversity in top management, openness to testing multiple ideas, and other measures to unlock the full potential of diversity. Diversity also increases resilience. Like biological communities and organisms, companies that encompass more heterogeneity are likely to withstand unanticipated changes better. Enterprises that embrace diverse talent, ideas, and sources of growth will have an advantage in understanding and adapting to external shocks—which increasingly threaten the survival of individual businesses.
Winning the ’20s: A Leadership Agenda for the Next Decade
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Achieving Higher Levels of Performance
Clearly, when it comes to effective GRC, some CEOs are doing better than others. What sets them apart? What gives them a distinct advantage over their peers? Emerging from the survey data are a group of CEOs who are taking GRC to a higher level. Both in implementing effective GRC and in reaping its benefits, they are pointing the way towards GRC excellence.
8th Annual global CEO Survey
Achieving shared priorities with government
While CEOs focus on their own growth plans, many also see a common purpose with governments. Constrained budgets are forcing difficult decisions on public sector leaders; CEOs are keen to protect shared priorities that are critical to business growth and their own competitive advantages. Fostering a skilled labour force is but one area where CEOs see greater potential for deeper engagement with government bodies.
14th Annual global CEO Survey
Active Defense
Despite an increasing focus on securing the digital business, IT departments struggle to keep pace with recent advances in security technology. Enterprises know that endpoint security is not enough, but the move to active defense—risk-based approaches to security management, analytics-driven event detection, and reflex-like incident response—isn’t yet happening on a broad scale. Although these technologies are maturing rapidly and communities are forming to expose risks, the biggest barrier is slow adoption of solutions that already exist. IT’s core challenge: get current with best practices in security while getting smarter about the new active-defense possibilities and getting real about the journey ahead.
Accenture Technology Vision 2013
Active Noise Control & Reduction Technology
Smart noise cancelling technology which predicts the occurrence of noise in real-time and generates sound waves with inverted phase
10 emerging technologies in 2017
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Active security protection
The traditional method of protecting computer systems involves the deployment of prevention mechanisms, such as anti-virus software. As attackers become more sophisticated, the effectiveness of protection mechanisms decreases as the cost increases. However, a new generation of security mechanisms is emerging that uses an active approach, such as hooks that can be activated when new types of attacks are exposed and machine-learning mechanisms to identify sophisticated attacks. Attacking the attacker is a technological possibility as well, but is almost always illegal.
IEEE Computer Society Predicts the Future of Tech: Top 10 Technology Trends for 2019
IEEE Computer Society
Adaptive regulation
How could regulation be responsive to rapid change and an unknowable future? Regulation can be a contentious issue. Critics argue — often justifiably so — that it is onerous, inefficient and an impediment to innovation. But, imagine an entirely different approach. Imagine a future in which consumer safety is protected not by monitoring regulatory compliance and penalizing infractions, but by using big data and algorithms to prevent breaches before they can even occur. Imagine regulations that rewrite themselves to keep up with ever-changing market conditions. Imagine regulation conducted jointly by industry and regulators — a collaborative, rather than contentious, exercise. This is where things are headed. The future of regulation is adaptive. The reason for this shift is disruptive innovation. On one hand, disruptive technologies and business models are straining existing regulatory approaches and making them unsustainable. On the other, these technologies are creating opportunities to conduct regulation in an entirely new way.
What’s after what’s next? The upside of disruption Megatrends shaping 2018 and beyond
Additive manufacturing
Progressively adding material to make a product take shape is an unprecedented approach to manufacturing that warrants new business models and implies significant changes to existing industries. However, this technology must overcome several challenges, both technical and regulatory, if it is to permeate industrial processes on a large scale.
OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016
Additive manufacturing
Companies have just begun to adopt additive manufacturing, such as 3-D printing, which they use mostly to prototype and produce individual components. With Industry 4.0, these additive-manufacturing methods will be widely used to produce small batches of customized products that offer construction advantages, such as complex, lightweight designs.
Nine Technologies Transforming Industrial Production
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)