Trends Identified
IoE Technology (IoE: Information of Everything)
(Definition) Technology for processing raw data generated (collected) through IoT, producing useful, high value-added information, and providing users with convenient service. (Application) Services such as health care, smart home, smart grid, and intelligent transportation system (ITS) through IoT; mashup services combining various web-based smart devices; and on-demand knowledge/information producing service to meet user needs.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2016
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Invisible to visible
Standard practices can render the insights, perspectives, and opinions of individual citizens and residents invisible to those in government who are responsible for making decisions that affect them. Likewise, governments can face challenges in perceiving different scenarios and envisioning the various paths to positive future outcomes. Only once visible can these insights, perspectives and opinions become tangible and meaningfully engaged with. Governments are now taking innovative steps to make these invisible factors visible. By leveraging these newly visible elements, they are better equipped to make better decisions that affect their people, and to nudge citizens and residents to make better decisions as well.
Invisibility shields
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: BAE Systems (UK), Toyota (Japan). NB. Big difference between optical camouflage and bending light to make things disappear.
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Intolerance and hate crime: the return of an old problem?
Increased intolerance has long been identified as a worrying trend in foresight reports. For example, the EUISS stated that ’Migrants and ethnic minori es will become the main target of groups opposing cultural diversity, and are likely to be the victims of xenophobia in many developed countries‘. The EUISS report framed it in the context of developments that were otherwise quite encouraging. It suggested that ’the decline of theories of conflict between civilisations and cultural relativism is therefore likely, although economic and
social difficulties may reverse this positive trend in some countries, and extremist identity politics and xenophobia will continue to leave
a mark on some parts of the world.’ In a similar vein, the Rand report spoke of the possibility that the presence of ethnic minorities would be widely regarded as undesirable and divisive. More recently, the refugee crisis from 2015 prompted the World Economic Forum to note that ’insularity, xenophobia and right- wing populism are gaining ground across the continent, calling into question the integration process and a common European front on international security policies‘.
Global Trendometer - essays on medium- and long-term global trends
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Into the Abyss
A cascading series of economic/financial crises overwhelm political and policy responses
The Global Risks Report 2018
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Internet of thinking- Creating Intelligent Distributed Systems
Businesses are making big bets on intelligent environments via robotics, AI and immersive experiences. But to bring these intelligent environments to life, they must extend their infrastructures into the dynamic, real-world environments they want to reach.
Accenture Technology vision 2018
Internet of Things: From sensing to doing - Think big, start small, scale fast
Increasingly, forward-thinking organizations are focusing their Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives less on underlying sensors, devices, and “smart” things and more on developing bold approaches for managing data, leveraging “brownfield” IoT infrastructure, and developing new business models. Meanwhile, others are developing human-impact IoT use cases for boosting food production, cutting carbon emissions, and transforming health services. What impact will IoT have on your business and on the people around you? Rapid prototyping can help you find out.
Tech trends 2016 - innovating in the digital era
Internet of things no longer about things
Just about every business will become an internet of things (IoT) business. The convergence of the digital and physical worlds makes this inevitable. When the products companies sell are connected 24/7/365, dynamic and ever-improving value can be delivered to customers throughout the product’s life cycle. This will become the norm. Therefore, launching a successful IoT business requires a fundamental shift, a transition from product-centric to service-centric business models. Companies looking to capitalize on IoT will become IoT service businesses. Operations dependent on one-time product sales will become obsolete as business value moves from products to the experiences they enable. This transformation will fundamentally change how businesses operate, interact with customers and make money. Those who recognize that the internet of things isn’t about things but about service will be positioned to meet these new customer demands, unlock new sources of revenue and thrive in this connected world.
14 tech predictions for our world in 2020
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Internet of Things (IoT)
This much hyped term refers to the sensor-enabled devices that can communicate with one another via the Internet. The possible uses are still being unearthed, but the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that the annual economic impact of IoT applications could be as much as USD 11.1 trillion by 2025. MGI suggests that factories are likely to see the greatest potential impact from IoT use – as much as USD 3.7 trillion per year – with substantial productivity improvements, including 10 to 20 percent energy savings and a 10 to 25 percent improvement in labor efficiency.
Disruptive forces in the industrial sectors - Global executive survey
Internet of Things
Gartner calls the combination of technologies and the connection of people, devices, content and services the "intelligent digital mesh." This is the foundation for new business models, platforms and possibilities that will transform how we live and work with implications that go far beyond the technology itself and involve disciplines such as law, economics, business and politics. It is early days for the application of IoT strategy but it is clear that opportunities will exist for those with the technical knowledge to connect platforms as well as those with the data analytics skills to utilise the rich stream of information generated by IoT applications. What could you learn from connecting and analysing the data from your products or elements of your core operations?
Five tech trends for 2019
University of Technology Sydney