Trends Identified

Internet of Things
The ecosystem of electronic devices connected to the Internet that can be accessed remotely continues to grow (e.g., sensor technology, wearable technologies, connected vehicles).
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Internet of things
The Internet of Things, which uses networks of sensors and devices to collect data and optimize processes
Tech for good
Internet of Things
Smart, connected devices and systems
Disruptive technologies barometer
Internet of things
2017 technology trends - Increasing stratification and changing competitive dynamics
Internet of things
The internet of things (ioT) provides the opportunity to radically improve the efficiency of all kinds of public sector, business and community processes and infrastructure, thanks to a growing network of low-cost sensors, actuators, and data communications technology embedded in physical objects
Ten Frontier Technologies for International Development
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Internet of Things
Network of objects embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity and computer capability, that can collect and exchange data over the internet and enable smart solutions.
Innovation for the Earth - Harnessing technological breakthroughs for people and the planet
Internet of Things
The Internet of things (IoT) is a network of physical objects — devices, vehicles, appliances — embedded with sensors, software, network connectivity, and computing capability enabling them to collect, exchange, and act on data, usually without human intervention. The industrial IoT (IIoT) refers to its use in the manufacturing and industrial sectors, aka Industry 4.0. IIoT augments people, places, processes, and products with sensors to capture and analyze information across a value chain, advancing the goals of the organization.
The Essential Eight - Your guide to the emerging technologies revolutionizing business now
Internet of DNA
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Alphabet/Google Genomics (US), Amazon (US), Illumina (US), Oxford Nanopore Technologies/Metrichor (UK).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Internet infrastructure The backbone of our communications
The backbone ‘hard’ infrastructure that supports the ow of data across space will be under pressure to cope with tra c demands.
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
International Organised Crime
Although measurement is difficult, international illicit trade is estimated to account for around $1 trillion of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per annum. In addition, it is estimated that a further $1 trillion is extorted by organised crime and that between $0.6- 2.8 trillion is laundered annually. This can be compared to a global GDP of around $61 trillion and could make the value of global illicit trade around twice that of global military budgets.163,164 These large financial movements, which have been funded by illegal trading, fraud, arms trafficking, people smuggling, extortion, smuggling and the drugs trade will continue to distort the normal political and economic process. The reach of international criminal gangs stretches from the ungoverned spaces in the developing world through to the highly regulated and policed developed world. Corruption is endemic in many parts of the world, including developing and emerging economies and deters inward investment, business confidence and international trust.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence