Trends Identified
Energy storage
Devices or systems that store energy for later use, including batteries
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
Energy Harvesting Nano-material
(Definition) Nano material technology which converts waste energy into useable electric energy. (Application) The technology can be applied to collect unused energy from various transportation methods such as road and railway as well as vibration from human activity. The technology can create electricity at any time and place, therefore, reduce the energy cost of low income group.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2015
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Energy Efficiency Software
Software to conserve energy usage is “inherently a real estate technology for no other reason than that real estate consumes two-thirds of the U.S. electricity market,” says Wallace, whose firm focuses on investments in startups that tackle “built world” opportunities. “When you think about saving electricity, the most obvious place to look is buildings.”
The Most Important Tech Trends Of 2018, According To Top VCs
Fast Company
Energy Demand
Global Energy use has approximately doubled over the last 30 years170 and, by 2040, demand is likely to grow by more than half again. Despite concerns over climate change, demand is likely to remain positively correlated to economic growth171 with fossil fuels, meeting more than 80% of this increase.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Both total demand for energy and energy prices will rise up to 2030. Oil will remain the most important resource, but will lose some significance to renewables. At current rates of production, the remaining lifetime of the various energy sources will be longest for coal (119 years), followed by gas (63 years) and oil (46 years). Conflicts over energy supplies are likely to rise, since these resources are highly concentrated in a small number of countries
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Global economic growth, prosperity and rising populations will push up energy needs over the coming decades and as a consequence, governments are introducing measures to drive investment in efficient and low-carbon technologies. The Fukushima nuclear accident, turmoil in parts of the Middle East and North Africa and a sharp rebound in energy demand in 2010 which pushed CO2 emissions to a record high, highlight the urgency and the scale of the challenge.
The future
Enduring loss and damage from extreme weather
After the unprecedented climate events of 2017, vulnerable cities, countries and people will face yet more extreme and disruptive weather events, with the potential to impact business though value chain disruption and stranded assets, and contribute to social unrest.
8 sustainability trends that will define 2018
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Enabling technology
Information and communications technology (ICT) has transformed society over the last 30 years. A new wave of technological advances is now creating novel opportunities, while testing governments’ ability to harness their benefits and provide prudent oversight.
Future State 2030: The global megatrends shaping governments
Enabling information and communication technologies
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) will continue to have a significant impact both in developing and developed countries. Like other technologies the rate of change will continue to increase and new ICTs will surely make a major difference to the functioning of societies over the next twenty years. There will be new ways of communicating and social networking – with implications for science and the production and maintenance of the scientific record.
ICSU Foresight Analysis
International Council for Science (ICSU)
Empowerment through education
Access to primary education in particular is regarded as critical to socioeconomic mobility, and for this reason it has been an objective of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Substantial inroads have been made this past decade in reducing the number of out-of-school children
Now for the long term - The Report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations
Oxford Martin School