Trends Identified
Social Computing
Social computing – not just media, collaboration or social networking – it’s a new fundamental for enterprise IT The rise of social computing in the enterprise is in some ways a return to the business landscape of Frank Capra’s and Norman Rockwell’s time – where business was local, corporations lived within a single office, and market value could be pegged by the sentiments on Main Street or at the water cooler. But as global business continues to accelerate, determining “who knows what” is becoming a challenge.
Tech Trends 2011 The natural convergence of business and IT
Social commerce: take 2
It has often been assumed that social commerce will transform the way we shop online. As we enter 2018, however, it’s a trend that has gained traction in parts of Asia but is yet to take hold in the West, where online shopping is still rmly rooted in traditional online retailers.
Trends 18
Social Change
According to the World Bank Group, two thirds of all jobs could be susceptible to automation in developing countries in the coming decade. The role and responsibilities of people in this new operating landscape will increasingly shift to knowledge work, process control and decision making. As such, the ability to learn, unlearn, relearn and co-learn reinforced through reskilling and upskilling would be increasingly important as emerging technologies lead the way to greater automation. The democratisation of knowledge also gives rise to a society where ideas and knowledge can be easily accessed by many and no longer limited to an elite group. The digital revolution enables knowledge to be freely acquired, shared and developed thereby empowering people to make informed decisions.
Science & Technology Foresight Malaysia
Malaysia, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Social Business
Reimagining business with a social mindset Even today, business leaders may dismiss the potential of social business, either relegating it to the realm of Internet marketing or ignoring the buzz as a passing fad. But that’s changing as boomers evolve into digital natives, millennials permeate the workforce and social media becomes a part of daily life. The doors are now open for social business.
Tech Trends 2012-Elevate IT for digital business
Social activation
Over the years, the focus of social business has shifted from measuring volume to monitoring sentiment and, now, toward changing perceptions. In today’s recommendation economy, companies should focus on measuring the perception of their brand and then on changing how people feel, share, and evangelize. Companies can activate their audiences to drive their message outward—handing them an idea and getting them to advocate it in their own words to their own network.
Tech trends 2014 - Inspiring Disruption
So long susy?
In 2017 the idea of Supersymmetry will either be seen to be true, or die
World in 2017
The Economist
Smooth-talking AI assistants
New techniques that capture semantic relationships between words are making machines better at understanding natural language. We’re used to AI assistants—Alexa playing music in the living room, Siri setting alarms on your phone—but they haven’t really lived up to their alleged smarts. They were supposed to have simplified our lives, but they’ve barely made a dent. They recognize only a narrow range of directives and are easily tripped up by deviations. But some recent advances are about to expand your digital assistant’s repertoire. In June 2018, researchers at OpenAI developed a technique that trains an AI on unlabeled text to avoid the expense and time of categorizing and tagging all the data manually. A few months later, a team at Google unveiled a system called BERT that learned how to predict missing words by studying millions of sentences. In a multiple-choice test, it did as well as humans at filling in gaps. These improvements, coupled with better speech synthesis, are letting us move from giving AI assistants simple commands to having conversations with them. They’ll be able to deal with daily minutiae like taking meeting notes, finding information, or shopping online. Some are already here. Google Duplex, the eerily human-like upgrade of Google Assistant, can pick up your calls to screen for spammers and telemarketers. It can also make calls for you to schedule restaurant reservations or salon appointments. In China, consumers are getting used to Alibaba’s AliMe, which coordinates package deliveries over the phone and haggles about the price of goods over chat. But while AI programs have gotten better at figuring out what you want, they still can’t understand a sentence. Lines are scripted or generated statistically, reflecting how hard it is to imbue machines with true language understanding. Once we cross that hurdle, we’ll see yet another evolution, perhaps from logistics coordinator to babysitter, teacher—or even friend? —Karen Hao
10 Breakthrough Technologies 2019 - How we’ll invent the future, by Bill Gates
MIT Technology Review
Smog-reducing technologies
‘Smog’ refers to visible air pollution resulting from a mixture of high concentrations of moisture (fog) and smoke that stagnate over a specific area, creating respiratory health hazards.355 The smog- reducing technologies covered in this Technology review come in a number of different forms, but all share a common focus on treating air pollution after it has been created or cleaning air after it has been polluted rather than finding alternative non-polluting technologies, or promoting non-polluting actions or behaviours. The three technologies covered in this report are catalytic converters, photocatalytic oxidation materials, and smog-reducing towers, all of which are at different stages of maturity and perform different functions in relation to reducing smog.
Ten Frontier Technologies for International Development
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Smartphone Diagnosis
(Definition) The technology can measure biometric information and send the result instantly through sensors, camera and simple accessories for collected blood sugar level, blood pressure and heart rate. (Application) The technology can replace expensive medical devices which make it easier to supply them at low price. In addition, it will improve health service accessibility and allow giving feedback simply with smartphone application.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2015
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Smart work
The technology refers to a network to provide the similar environment to the office, free interaction between cyber and real space, media handling to raise realism, UI/UX, POD related technology and etc. In order to realise realistic smart work, cloud computing technology and 3D hologram are required which in turn needs giga-communication network technology and strict sercure technology. This can increase the participation of female and disabled in the economy. Furthermore, this can reduce the commuting time, environment and energy contributing to reduction of non-operation expenses and increase in productivity.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2013
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)