Trends Identified
Real Analytics
Corporate management.
Tech Trends 2011 The natural convergence of business and IT
Reactionless drive
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: NASA (US), Cannae (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
RCS Messaging to Contest Chatbots & OTT Business Platforms
RCS has undergone a significant transformation from previous iterations of the messaging technology. Support of RCS will continue to grow over 2019 – amongst both operators and handset vendors. At present, there are over 60 operators supporting the service globally – with more operators expected to announce their support in 2019. 2019 will shape up to be a crucial time for operators wishing to curb the migration of mobile messaging traffic to OTT messaging apps and chatbots. Accessibility and management of the service for brands will be provided by CPaaS vendors, leaving little to no investment needed into infrastructure from operators - just a flat fee to the CPaaS provider. Using RCS for business messaging, or application to person messaging, will provide new revenue streams if the technology is implemented correctly. As a result, this places increased pressure on these OTT messaging apps, their business platforms and in-app chatbots as brands gravitate to the superior capabilities and reach of RCS. As the reach of RCS increases so does the value proposition for its usage in contacting customers, thus increasing adoption of the service further. This will create a virtuous circle, in which the value of RCS only continues to increase. Thus, the timing of implementation is crucial, or operators risk losing A2P messaging traffic to other messaging services in addition to P2P traffic. We anticipate advertising and retail to be the first industries to adopt RCS messaging on a large scale; further encouraging a number of other industries to look into the service. Additionally, we can expect a large amount of focus of MWC 2019 to be on RCS, notably on the revenue potential that the technology will bring operators – and what role the technology will play in the wider CPaaS ecosystem. Related Research: Mobile Messaging: Operator Strategies & Vendor Opportunities 2018-2022
Top Tech trends 2019
Juniper Research
Rate of technology advance
The advances in technology and innovation accelerate as they are fuelled by continued exponential increases in supporting computing power and advances in augmented intelligence
Strategic foresight analysis
Rapid Urbanisation
Today, more than half the world’s population live in urban areas and almost all of the new growth will take place in lesser known medium-sized cities of developing countries. How cities evolve will be determined by the collective actions of city governments, people and businesses. What is critical, is to focus interventions not just on the ‘smart city’, but on the smart town and the smart village, enabling an interdependent ecosystem that counters rapid organisation to the mega city.
Rapid Urbanisation
By 2050, 66% of the global population is expected to be living in urban areas with nearly 90% of the increase concentrated in Asia and Africa. Increase of population density and activities in urban areas across the globe would significantly transform the structure of societies, distribution of resources and governance systems.
Science & Technology Foresight Malaysia
Malaysia, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Rapid urbanisation
By 2030, the UN projects that 4.9 billion people will be urban dwellers and, by 2050, the world’s urban population will have increased by some 72%. Already, many of the largest cities have GDPs larger than mid-size countries. In this new world, cities will become important agents for job creation.
Workforce of the future The competing forces shaping 2030
Rapid technology innovation creates a smart, mobile world
Smart technology offers the promise of remote access to health care and education, while blurring boundaries between industries. The power of the individual will grow and new competitors will emerge, disrupting industries and creating new business models.
Tracking global trends - How six key developments are shaping the business world
Rapid assays to detect specific biological substances
Global Technology Revolution 2020
RAND Corporation