Trends Identified

Out to 2040, radicalisation will continue, driven by a range of complex factors, such as the gradual shift in political beliefs, individual and group grievances,35 and economic and social inequalities.36 Although the precise links between poverty and radicalisation remain unclear, poverty is likely to encourage radicalisation due to the grievances it generates and the long-term stresses it causes.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Radiating elements based on nano-scale heterostructures
Broad prospects for the development of nanotechnologies are offered by radiating elements based on nano-scale heterostructures, including lasers and organic light emitting diodes. Organic light emitting diodes, one of the most cost-effective sources of light, are renowned for their unique slim design and high flexibility, offering a broad range of the light spectrum and light stream geometries to which humans are readily accustomed. They can be manufactured in any form, almost at will, and “fit” into working and residential premises of different scales. Lasers have already been widely used in medicine, mechanical engineering, construction and land surveying following the development of the printed circuit board and integrated boards. They are used to detect various substances (including weapons and explosives), for heating through thermonuclear synthesis and in astronomy.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Quest to Purchase - The rise of elective barriers to buying
Orthodoxy demands that brands strain every sinew to kill obstacles on the path to purchase. In Quest to Purchase, brands are instead invited to recognise the perceived value of deliberately contrived pre-checkout challenge. For the One-Click Generation, used to zero delay between intent and satisfaction, new barriers to buying – with opportunities to graft and compete for favoured brands’ custom in offline, IRL settings – provide new routes to fun and status.
Trending 2018
Foresight Factory
Quantum-mechanical cryptography for secure information transfer
Global Technology Revolution 2020
RAND Corporation
Quantum safe cryptography
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Alphabet/Google (US), KETS (UK), IDQ (Switzerland), Isara (Canada).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Quantum Cryptography
Signals are transmitted or decrypted by saving the information in polarized light or phase difference of a photon, using the quantum-mechanical characteristics of the photon. The communication system that can fundamentally block the network attack can be developed using the quantum-mechanical characteristics of the signal.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2011
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Quantum computing continues to advance
Quantum computing continues to make strides toward quantum supremacy – the point at which a quantum computer does something faster than an ordinary computer. The race to build commercially viable quantum computers is largely motivated by the shear amount of technological disruption this machine is expected to bring. Yet, several breakthroughs will be necessary before construction of a faulttolerant universal quantum processor capable of surpassing present-day supercomputers can be built. It is possible, however, that “imperfect” quantum computers can find interesting applications long before fully fault-tolerant quantum computers are available. In fact, the quest for “quantum supremacy” has paradoxically led to a boom in quasi-quantum classical algorithms. Further, hybrid approaches using both a classical and quantum computer in parallel will allow for running algorithms that demonstrate quantum advantage. Quantum computers may never perform some functions as well as classical computers. For example, no one anticipates streaming a film with a quantum computer. To this end, certain classes of problems will likely remain in the classical domain, and other classes of problems will be handled by quantum computers, such as cryptography, modeling and optimization, machine learning and prediction, and searching big data. Similar to the GPU co-processors that operate alongside classical CPUs, a quantum computer may take on much the same role for co-processing of problems that they are good at. As such, we may be headed toward a landscape of specific purpose quantum computing where classical machines do much of the heavy lifting and sub-portions of problems are handled by quantum machines. This capability is expected to initially be available in the cloud - Quantum Computing as a Service - which will lower the barrier to entry and provide an ability to quickly climb the learning curve. As with all disruptive technologies, quantum computers are both an opportunity and a threat, and Nasdaq is doing R&D to understand their impact on financial services. Our analysis indicates that concerns about quantum computers disrupting existing security solutions are real, and the time to prepare is now. Moreover, programming of quantum computers requires a significant learning curve and a different technical skill set. Finally, there is a need to identify business solutions and design quantum algorithms to solve them.
NASDAQ DECODES: TECH TRENDS 2019 -The technology trends that are driving the world of markets forward
Quantum Computing AI Applications
2019 will be the year of quantum computing AI applications. Quantum technology recently became available for the public on the cloud and is now set to have a large transformative impact on many industries, providing solutions and answers to problems that supercomputers couldn’t solve before. Major applications are expected in health care (material science), trading and in cybersecurity.
2019 Tech Forecast: 11 Experts Predict The Next Wave Of Breakout Technologies
Quantum Computing – Using Particle Physics for Computation
Quantum Computing uses the characteristics of quantum mechanics, i.e. the superposition and entanglement of subatomic particles. The so-called quantum bits (qubits) allow for an exponential gain in computing power compared to classical bits and promise to solve certain problems that are intractably complex and go beyond todays computing power. Quantum computing might threaten cryptography and cryptocurrency, as the unlimited computing power could make many encryptions ineffective. Potential application areas of quantum computing are quantum chemistry, encryption and security, optimization problems, large database search and operations, machine/deep learning, cryptography, DNA and other forms of molecular modeling. Quantum computing is at the very early stage of basic research mainly on quantum computational hardware, with no unambiguous quantum speed up observed yet and with few known algorithms,. The probabilistic nature of quantum computers makes utilization challenging for now. The technology is currently driven by research institutes, big corporate players like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Intel, HP, and most recently investors. According to Gartner, quantum computing is more than 10 years away and it is questionable if we will ever realize general purpose quantum computers. We might instead see rather narrow use cases. At this stage of research, we see the biggest potential in hybrid approaches like using classical FPGA’s in a quantum inspired way. Another idea would be to use build hybrid computers where classical and quantum CPUs are co-located on the same computer. Blind quantum computing could be used to delegate the computation to a quantum server without leaking any information, which might solve some of the expected security issues.
Trend Report 2018 - Emerging Technology Trends
Quantum computing
Quantum computing is a type of nonclassical computing that is based on the quantum state of subatomic particles that represent information as elements denoted as quantum bits or “qubits.” Quantum computers are an exponentially scalable and highly parallel computing model.  A way to imagine the difference between traditional and quantum computers is to imagine a giant library of books. While a classic computer would read every book in a library in a linear fashion, a quantum computer would read all the books simultaneously. Quantum computers are able to theoretically work on millions of computations at once. Quantum computing in the form of a commercially available, affordable and reliable service would transform some industries. eal-world applications range from personalized medicine to optimization of pattern recognition. This technology is still in an emerging state, which means it is a good time for businesses to increase their understanding of potential applications and consider any security implications. Aside from a select group of businesses where specific quantum algorithms would provide a major advantage, most enterprises could remain in exploration phase through 2022 and begin exploiting the technology later.
Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2019