Trends Identified

Augmented Reality Gets Real
Let’s get one thing clear: Augmented Reality is not a new thing. It has been a very, very slow burn. From BlippAR- integrated magazines to interactive head-tracking promotions for movies, creative technologists, brands with more money than sense, and agency innovation leads – you know the kinds of people we’re talking about – have been trying to make AR happen FOR YEARS. And let’s be honest: it hasn’t. But things are changing...
Key digital trends for 2018
The search for global solutions
Léo Apotheker, Co-CEO of the global business software maker SAP AG, which is based in Germany, says: ‘One of the characteristics of the current environment is that we’re actually dealing with more than one crisis. We have an economic downturn, but we also have an environmental crisis of significant proportions. Global warming has made its effects felt, and is no longer something to be disputed. We also have an energy crisis. And we have a scarcity of resources problem. There are nearly seven billion human beings on the planet and we need to feed them, and so we have a serious issue to address.´
12th Annual global CEO Survey
Leisure time is expanding, allowing people to spend more time on recreational activities.
Leisure time is expanding, allowing people to spend more time on recreational activities. One reason for the growth: People are multitasking leisure activities like social media, gaming and watching TV. This creates potential for earnings gains in sectors like entertainment, travel and media.
Eight long-term trends for growth investors
Morgan Stanley
Learning to live and invest in an insecure world is difficult.
Learning to live and invest in an insecure world is difficult. Technology and globalization can drive economic growth, but can also have a destabilizing impact on society. Geopolitical risks are proliferating quickly. Investments in technology, people and support systems that can maintain security will be important.
Eight long-term trends for growth investors
Morgan Stanley
AI and autonomous systems
Learning from data and developing smart algorithms has become a competitive advantage. Executives from all sectors believe that AI and autono­mous systems will affect the entire industry. Investment in AI is at unprecedented levels from both tech firms and traditional manufacturers. Driverless vehicles are AI’s poster child, but industrial companies are also investing in machine learning and robotics to develop specific technologies related to their core businesses.
Disruptive forces in the industrial sectors - Global executive survey
Technological start-ups and lean innovation models becoming mainstream
Lean innovation models are inspiring an increasing number of business start-ups to search for market t through successive cycles of product or service development and testing103. The concept of lean start-up favours experimentation over traditional business planning and is driven by customer feedback and intuitive design103,104.
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
The Future of Leadership in Europe
Leadership matters: hundreds of books are published every month with the word leadership in the title. Yet there no universal theory of leadership or agreement on how good, bad, better or great leadership can be evaluated or measured. One the one hand, societies everywhere are searching for leaders and leadership systems that can deliver realistic hope. One the other hand, advances in education, the spread of democracy, prosperity gains and social media have contributed to a diffusion of power and authority within societies and across the world. The turnover of political and business leaders in democratic societies seems to be occurring at an accelerating pace – shaped by and contributing to structural short-termism.
Shaping the future
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Information Management Finally Goes Enterprise
Leaders expect confident answers to fundamental business questions. Step one is the right foundation. Information is the heart of the business of IT. It’s right there in the name. But the CIO doesn’t own the information – the business does. IT is the caretaker – responsible for enablement, compliance, governance, protection, and optimization.
Depth perception A dozen technology trends shaping business and IT in 2010
Online harassment
Lawmakers, advocates and social media companies have been looking into ways to curtail online harassment in the wake of high-profile cases concerning cyberbullying and online threats. A January 2017 survey found that online harassment is a fairly common feature of online life: 41% of Americans said they have experienced some form of it, and among those ages 18 to 29, the share was 67%.
Key trends shaping technology in 2017
Pew Research Center
Edge to Core and IoT Much More
Last year, my first four trends were basically around IoT, AI, Machine Learning and Edge. This year, the four become one because they are so deeply interconnected. As the IoT grows—and the number of connected devices skyrockets—it makes sense that we need more space—and closer space—to process the data it’s working to capture and process. The concepts of Smart Cities and Autonomous Vehicles have zero chance of being realized if data processing has to happen in the cloud. That means we’ll be leading more and more toward edge computing in terms of 2019 digital transformation trends. Analytics and data won’t just be for processing—they’ll be for processing in real-time. And that’s something only the edge can support right now. Now, its important that I emphasize that edge and cloud are not mutually exclusive. Cisco refers to the interdependence of edge and cloud as “The Fog” as they recognize that critical data interactions that take place between the edge and the cloud to maximize data utilization. While their vernacular may or may not become ubiquitous with the connection between edge and core, you can be certain that the two will work together tirelessly to achieve the possibilities being sold to us with AI, IoT and Machine Learning.
Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2019