Trends Identified

The death of ageing
The rich and powerful have long dreamt of the death of ageing, if not of outright immortality. There is now serious money in it. Anti-ageing startup Unity Biotechnology raised US$116 million in 2016 from Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel and others to further its research in rejuvenation therapy and prevention of senescence (that is, wear and tear with age). Google-backed biotechnology company Calico and biopharmaceutical company AbbVie invested US$250 million each in 2014 to jointly develop drugs targeting diseases associated with old age.
Singapore, The Centre for Strategic Futures
Feeding the future
How will the world feed a population projected to grow from 7.6 billion in 2017 to 9.8 billion in 2050? Climate change will accentuate weather volatility and the amount of arable land is projected to decline from 0.23 hectares per person in 2000 to 0.15 by 2050 due to environmentally unsound practices. Precision agriculture and biotechnology are promising solutions for achieving sustainable and stable food production. Reflecting this view, investment in agriculture technology grew, on average, 63% yearly from 2010–2015. In smart farms, moisture sensors in the soil are linked to the farm’s irrigation and humidity systems, while operations like weeding and harvesting are performed by agri-bots. With farming processes mirroring tightly-controlled factory operations, food production could become more stable, efficient and cost-effective.
Singapore, The Centre for Strategic Futures
Satellites down
In August 2016, a 1-cm-wide man-made object collided with the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sentinel 1A satellite, creating a 40-cm crater and a change in orbit. As more and more satellites are launched, the risks of space debris disabling satellites and disrupting navigation and communication systems will rise. Indeed, roughly one in ten functioning satellites in the Earth’s orbit had experienced collisions like that of the Sentinel 1A. The frequency of such collisions is rapidly increasing; it is predicted that over the next two decades, the average time interval between collisions could shrink from 10 years to just five.
Singapore, The Centre for Strategic Futures
Climate winners and losers
Climate change is about more than melting icecaps and flooded coastal cities. Climate change action, or inaction, will affect which nations and economies become tomorrow’s economic and geopolitical winners and losers. Food production could shift. Canada, Siberia and potentially even parts of Antarctica could become more habitable and productive, while current bread-baskets in the US and China face increasing desertification and extreme weather.
Singapore, The Centre for Strategic Futures
Human empowerment
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Increased Life Expectancy, Self-centered Society, Decrease in Birth Rate, Empowerment of Women, Expansion of Human Capability, Hyper-speed Transportation, Artificial intelligence and Automation, Development of New Materials. Opening of the Space Age
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Innovation through hyper-connectivity
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Digital Network Society, Hyper-connectivity Technology, Network-driven Transition of Power, Acceleration of E-democracy
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Deepening environmental risk
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Aggravated Food Crisis, Energy Imbalance, Water Deterioration Crisis, Increase in Natural Disasters. Deepening ecosystem destruction.
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Intensification of Social Complexity
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Deepening of International Conflict, Expansion of Cultural Diversity, Deepening Socioeconomic Inequality, Creation through Fusion, Increased Side Effects from Technological Advances, Increase in Social Disasters, Increased Health Risk Factors, Raising of Unification Issue, Increased Liquidity of International Power, Evolution of Security Threats
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Reorganization of the Economic System
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Global Population Movement, Expansion of Urbanization, World Population Growth, Enhancement in the Connectivity of the Global Economy, Emergence of Developing and Emerging Countries, Expansion of China's Global Influence, Spread of New Economic System, Change in the Structure of the Labor Field, Continuing Low-growth Risk in Developed Countries, Invigoration of Greenomics, Shift in Manufacturing Paradigm, Change in Market Pattern.
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
IoT-based Context-aware Dimming Technology
Dimming technology that enhances utilization and energy efficiency, mimics sunlight, and assists in customized health care, through automatic control of the direction and brightness of lighting by sensing outdoor conditions
10 emerging technologies in 2017
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)