Trends Identified
New Energy Source.
A novel, efficient form of energy generation could be developed that rapidly lowers demand for hydrocarbons. For example, the development of commercially available cold fusion reactors could result in the rapid economic marginalisation of oil-rich states. This loss of status and income in undiversified economies could lead to state-failure and provide opportunities for extremist groups to rise in influence.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
New Energy Technology
New sources of power generation will become commercially available and viable before 2040. Out to 2020, while advances may be evolutionary rather than revolutionary, the efficient use and management of power will increasingly be a key driver, particularly for the design of new devices. Hybridisation, along with fuel additives and smart design, will improve the energy efficiency of engines. Smart, conformal designs for low-power systems for efficient charge recovery, and the use of power scavenging techniques, will be examples of potential innovation. For short periods of operation, batteries are likely to remain the preferred power source; however, as energy demands increase, improved fuel cells adapted to suit the operating environment may become the preferred option for longer operations. Nonetheless, demand for traditional lithium-ion type batteries, will increase due to an increased uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
New geopolitical tensions
The past year has seen a complete upset of our geopolitics’ fragile balance. That could make the global stability of the next couple of decades a complete question mark. North Korean missile launches. Thousands of refugees crossing borders to flee turmoil. Hackers meddling in other nations’ elections. Rising nationalist sentiment worldwide. Headlines in 2016 (and so far, 2017) have been dominated by never-ending political drama that’s been fuelling a ‘geopolitical minefield’ and an ‘unprecedented geopolitical shift’ – whether it’s managing unpredictable North Korea, the plight of Syrian refugees, or Britain’s transition from the European Union. Throw in widespread hacking, nuclear missiles and other dangerous technology, and it’s easy to see why maintaining basic diplomacy becomes vital.
10 grand challenges we’ll face by 2050
New kinds of services
The Canadian economy is dominated by the services sector, employing 78% of Canada’s workforce in 2012. Emerging technologies are likely to increase productivity, but may displace labour in both high- and low-skilled service jobs. Whole new employment and service opportunities are likely to emerge in areas such as professional and business-to-business services; care for aging populations; health care; culture and recreation; intangible products (concepts, designs, information, advice); and international trade-in-services.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
New Markets
Based on four years of Global Opportunity Report data, it is clear that new market opportunities emerge at the intersection of technology and sustainability risks. The vast majority of our 55 opportunities employ technological innovations, but the digitalisation of certain products and services will not be enough to remain competitive in the future market universe. True innovation lies in finding the intersection of a business sector and technology.
Global opportunity report
New materials
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: For example Vantablack by Surrey NanoSystems (UK).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
New materials and biotech
New materials and biotech, which include advanced materials, such as new lightweight materials, and next-generation genomics.
Tech for good
New materials for chemical sources of electrical current
Many research groups are actively developing technologies relating to nanostructured materials for chemical sources of electrical current. Their use will make it possible to increase the specific capacity of electrodes, increasing the capacity of power sources and allowing for their miniaturisation and safety. An important parameter is also the increasing operating temperatures of these energy sources. Among the most promising chemical sources of electrical current are the following: lithium-ion batteries; fuel cells.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
New materials for vehicles and infrastructure
Progress in the field of new materials for vehicles and infrastructure is not possible without technological breakthroughs in material engineering. Special attention will be paid to developing composite materials, metal alloys and metal-ceramics with nanoadditives, nanocoated parts to be used in aggressive environments, metal-polymers and polymer composite materials, carbon fibres with enhanced strength, heat and impact resistance, as well as new types of synthetic lubricants. The use of innovative construction materials in the rolling stock of prospective forms of rail, road and water transport will make it possible to reduce fuel expenditure by up to 20%, increase the safety of using structures and constructions during the planned service timeframe, increase their service life, and decrease environmental pollution by almost twofold.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
New materials to stimulate regeneration, activity and cytodifferentiation in the body
New materials to stimulate the regeneration, activity and differentiation of cells in the body offer the potential to cure pathologies in the musculoskeletal system, wounds of various aetiology, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Innovative techniques are based on bioengineering “grafting” technologies in this field and are required, with the necessary speed, to regenerate cells and to subsequently form various tissues and organs directly in the body on the basis of those cells. At the end of the prescribed timeframe, the biodegradable polymer materials leave the body, breaking down with natural metabolic products. New technologies will help to speed up the healing of all types of tissue, prevent the formation of adhesions, and reduce the number of complications after operations, thus providing a significant increase in patients’ quality of life.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation