Trends Identified
Outside-in Architecture
Finding the sweet spot between ‘need to share’ and ‘need to own’ For decades, businesses have typically been rewarded for consolidation around standard processes and stockpiling assets through people, technology and goods. Operations were assumed to be confined within organisational boundaries, with transactions viewed as short-lived events following well-defined steps. Systems were built primarily to enhance execution within their own self-contained scope of control. Conventional wisdom about these principles is changing, and it’s changing fast. Flexibility in operating and business models today is emerging to be a key differentiator. Markets and business conditions are shifting rapidly, necessitating new capabilities that can adapt to changing players, rules and desired outcomes. Sustaining innovation, both inside the organisation and within broader ecosystems, is emerging as a top priority. Many companies are discovering they need a new kind of leverage – capability leverage – to mobilise third parties that can add value. As a result, the traditional need to own is colliding with the emerging need to share, shifting solution architectures away from a siloed, enterprise-out design pattern. These new architectures are designed to anticipate service and people dependencies from the outside – and to require that data and systems be encapsulated for external consumption. Outside-in, not inside-out, is becoming the standard.
Tech Trends 2012-Elevate IT for digital business
As we gain in confidence in being able to collaborate effectively with outside firms and individuals, we are letting go of functions and processes that were once considered essential to retain in-house, increasingly outsourcing them to others to manage for us. Innovation and creativity are two areas where we will invite others to help us more and more, through means such as Engineering R&D outsourcing or through crowdsourcing, where we invite many people to help us discover our next product or service offering.
The future
42% of responding CEOs answered that they were 'extremely concerned'
Global CEO survey
PaaS-enabled agility
IT leaders must look beyond cloud debates to pinpoint the business processes and applications that will matter most to their organizations—and that are best suited to a platform-as-a-service model. PaaS is not just a tool for squeezing cost out of IT; it will provide an environment that can support rapid evolution for key business processes that need continuous change.
Accenture Technology Vision 2012
Pace of Development
Trend analysis indicates that the most substantial technological developments are likely to be in the areas of: ICT; sensor/network technology; behavioural and cognitive science; biotechnology; materials; and the production, storage and distribution of energy. Advances in nanotechnologies will underpin many breakthroughs. Developments in individual areas are likely to be evolutionary, but where disciplines interact, such as in the combination of cognitive science and ICT to produce advanced decision-support tools, developments may be revolutionary, resulting in the greatest opportunities for a novel or breakthrough application.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Paper-based Lab-on-a-Chip
(Definition) The technology uses nano-chip on papers to diagnose the causative organism of the disease immediately and precisely on site. (Application) At medical sites, the technology can quickly and exactly diagnose the organism from the infected patients. (Impact) The technology can create new medical services within households through a simple diagnostic method. In addition, at a national level, early measures can be made against infectious disease, reducing social costs. Molecular diagnosis market has the market size of $ 70 million in Korea and $ 5.8 billion world wide.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2014
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Particulate Matter Reduction Technology
High-efficiency, low cost particulate matter collection and reduction system, which eliminates particulate matters (PM2.5) and causative agents
10 emerging technologies in 2017
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Partnership Models
There has been an increase in partnerships of all forms, between public and private sectors, consumers and producers, and even competitors in order to combine capabilities in new and innovative ways.
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Patterns of Labour Mobility
Remittances from migrants in developed states, worth $240 billion per annum, or more than twice the level of international aid, are the largest source of external capital in many developing countries and directly benefit 10% of the global population.224 Over half of the 16 million highly skilled expatriate workers in the 4 main destinations (US, Europe, Canada and Australia) have originated from outside the OECD area.225 Out to 2040, highly capable and skilled individuals, particularly those in niche or scarce areas, will continue to attract substantial rewards for their services and are likely to be mobile within the global economy. This flow of skilled migrants will become more complex and will be affected by the growth of research and entrepreneurial opportunities in developing economies, fluctuating migration policies, and changes to traditional career models in business and academia. This may result in a ‘brain circulation’ rather than a ‘brain drain’, as developing economies continue to rise, and opportunities and safeguards become more predictable; a reverse flow of people to countries of origin may accelerate.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence