Trends Identified

Data Velocity
Business leaders have been bombarded with statistics about the soaring volumes of data that they can mine for precious insights. They have been deluged with articles describing the incredible variety of “external” data hidden in everything from tweets and blogs to sensor outputs and GPS data from mobile phones. But the next perspective on data that deserves attention is data velocity—the pace at which data can be gathered, sorted, and analyzed in order to produce insights that managers can act on quickly. As expectations of near-instant responses become the norm, business leaders will rely heavily on higher data velocities to gain a competitive edge.
Accenture Technology Vision 2013
Data uploading from the brain
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Kernel (US), Neuralink/Elon Musk (US), 2 Initiative (Russia), Darpa (US), General Electric/Braingate (US), possibly Facebook (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Data to Analytics to Machine Learning to AI
At the center of all of these technological trends and in the center of this list falls the linchpin to so many of these trends and to digital transformation as a whole. Data is key to companies being able to make good decisions about products, services, employees, strategy and more. We won’t see a slowdown anytime soon. As recent data has shown we have created 90% of the world’s data in the past year, research is also showing that we are only using 1% of the data effectively. While being in the top 1% is often a good thing, this is a 1% that most of us preaching the power of analytics should be ashamed about. With a plethora of companies like Microsoft, SAP, SAS and Salesforce (just to name a few) showing market leadership in the promotion of data being made into meaningful business analytics, there is much to be done by data driven organizations to realize the power of the data on hand and the data that they are collecting. With improved processing power that can increase machine learning, we are going to see digital leaders investing in making more of all of their data and this will be done with machine learning and AI and I believe that 1% figure will grow to 3 or 4% by 2020; which may seem small but is a massive increase in data utilization.
Top 10 Digital Transformation Trends For 2019
Data Takes its Rightful Place as a Platform
Generations of programmers and architects have grown up thinking in terms of applications—seeing the world through the lens of the functions that the business has needed and with data being the object, not the subject. That thinking will change. Although a focus on applications will continue to be important, it will give way to an emphasis on data. It is our belief that in the near future, platform architectures will be selected primarily to cope with soaring volumes of data and the complexity of data management—not for their ability to support this or that application.
Accenture Technology Vision 2011
Data supply chain: Putting information into circulation
Yes, data technologies are evolving rapidly, but most have been adopted in piecemeal fashion. As a result, enterprise data is vastly underutilized. Data ecosystems are complex and littered with data silos, limiting the value that organizations can get out of their own data by making it difficult to access. To truly unlock that value, companies must start treating data more as a supply chain, enabling it to flow easily and usefully through the entire organization—and eventually throughout each company’s ecosystem of partners too.
Accenture Technology Vision 2014
Data security
Building barriers in an age of blurred lines
Corum Top Ten Disruptive Technology Trends 2018
Data science monetization
Maximizing return with real-time analytics
Corum Top Ten Disruptive Technology Trends 2018
Data Privacy Will Adopt a Risk-based Approach
In an age when WikiLeaks has become a household name, every business leader is right to be even more paranoid about data privacy. Just as leading organizations now realize there is no such thing as 100 percent IT security, so complete data privacy is being exposed as a myth. In one study, the Wall Street Journal assessed and analyzed the cookies and other surveillance technology that companies use on the Internet. The study found that the nation’s 50 top web sites on average installed 64 pieces of tracking technology onto the computers of visitors, usually with no warning. A dozen sites installed more than a hundred each. 9 It will not be enough simply to accept the reality of data leaks. It will require very proactive responses from organizations to understand the risks surrounding the use and misuse of personal data. And it will require constant vigilance because things are changing so fast.
Accenture Technology Vision 2011
Data Monetization
Consumers increasingly collect, track, barter, or sell their personal data for savings, convenience, or customization; companies increasingly value sources of data direct from the consumer as a way of gaining a competitive advantage (e.g., Facebook, Uber).
Beyond the Noise- The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World
Data minimalism
"Data’s headline appearances throughout 2018 distorted people’s understanding of the value exchange between data owner (you) and data user (organizations). Expectations around how much people’s personal data is worth became falsely inflated, and the mystery surrounding how it’s used became a cause for concern. Moving forward, organizations must design for transparency, so that consumers can trust that they’re pursuing only the data they need to build new products and services, and that they’re using and storing that data responsibly. "
Fjord trends 2019