Trends Identified

Delivery robots and passenger drones
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Wing/Alphabet (US), Starship Technologies (UK), Volocopter (Germany), eHang (China), Piaggio (Italy).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Delayed Demographic Transition
Compared with other parts of the developing world, Africa’s demographic transition is delayed and highly variable across countries. Africa’s population is projected to peak at 2.7 billion in 2060, compared to 1.0 billion in 2010 (Figure 12). The projections show the population growth rate declining, following a similar trajectory to other major global areas.
Africa in 50 Years’ Time
African Development Bank
Defining the role of business leaders in society: A business imperative
Ask a classically trained financial economist about the role of the company in society and the response is likely to be to maximise shareholder returns. The 10th Annual Global CEO Survey reinforces a growing recognition among academics and practitioners alike that this traditional view of the long-term objective of a company is too narrow; that to sustain long-term financial growth, management need to balance the needs of the shareholder against those of other stakeholders – most notably the employee and society.
10th Annual global CEO Survey
Defence expenditures challenges in the West
A majority of NATO nations were able to change a decreasing defence spending trend into an increase in real terms 2016. political and national will would be required to sustain defence expenditures in competing priorities with limited budgets.
Strategic foresight analysis
Defence and Security
The decline in the incidence of inter- state war and the emergence of transnational threats, especially in the developed world, has resulted in greater political emphasis being placed on security rather than defence. Moreover, security has gradually evolved from the concepts of national and international security to the idea of human security.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Deepening income inequality
Inequality is one of the key
challenges of our time. Income inequality specifically is one of the most visible aspects of a broader
and more complex issue, one that entails inequality of opportunity
and extends to gender, ethnicity, disability, and age, among others. Ranking second in last year’s
Outlook, it was identified as the
most signi cant trend of 2015 by
our Network’s experts. This affects
all countries around the world. In developed and developing countries alike, the poorest half of the population often controls less than 10% of its wealth. This is a universal challenge that the whole world must address.
Outlook on the global agenda 2015
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Deepening environmental risk
A megatrend derived from following underlying trends: Aggravated Food Crisis, Energy Imbalance, Water Deterioration Crisis, Increase in Natural Disasters. Deepening ecosystem destruction.
The 5th Science and Technology Foresight (2016-2040) Discovering Future Technologies to Solve Major Issues of Future Society
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Deepening digital divide in Australia
Internet penetration and the increasing speed of technological progress add other perspectives to the inequality problem; namely, digital divide and digital inclusiveness.
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Deep space travel
U.S. President Obama has indicated that the USA, and mandated NASA, to send a human mission to Mars by mid-2030 with intermediary steps to Lagragian points in 2020s. NASA is consequently developing appropriate capabilities with the SLS launcher and the Orion crew capsule that should be ready by early 2020s. This would allow human to ventures farther into deep space compared to previous endeavours in the last century.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Deep ocean windfarms
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Statoil (Norway), Siemens (Germany), Volturn (US), UMaine (US)
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London