Trends Identified

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
2018 was a good year for the legal cannabis industry but marketers must work hard to shake off weed’s illicit associations.
Most contagious report 2018
Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust
The intelligent digital mesh and related digital technology platforms and application architectures create an ever-more-complex world for security. 20 The continuing evolution of the "hacker industry" and its use of increasingly sophisticated tools — including the same advanced technologies available to enterprises — significantly raise the threat potential. Relying on perimeter defense and static rule-based security is inadequate and outdated. This is especially so as organizations exploit more mobile devices, cloud-based services, and open APIs for customers and partners to create business ecosystems.
Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018
Continuing presence of instability in the world
The security challenges will remain a key issue for the EU over the next two decades. Structural change in Asia, Latin America, Eurasia, and Africa and particularly the Middle East with unresolved religious, sectarian, and ethnic tensions will continue to generate armed violence, including organised crime and terrorism.
Challenges at the horizon 2025
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Continued trade liberalism; globalization
23% of KPMG member firm advisors answered that this trend has a large positive impact for the user organizations.
Top trends and predictions for 2015 and beyond
Continued trade liberalism; globalization
14% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Continued trade liberalism; globalization
13% of the respondents view this as a positive trend
Adoption of intelligent automation does not equal success. 4Q 2017 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report.
Continued importance of communicating the EU
The Communication strategy needs to inform citizens of the EU about the EU’s added-value and its functioning and decisions which impact upon the daily life of each of its citizens.111 Informing citizens about the complex EU multi- governance system and to engage citizens’ awareness and active engagement in this system is challenging.
Challenges at the horizon 2025
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Continued economic growth?
The financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 significantly reduced economic output in many developed countries, particularly in Europe. While its continuing impacts are apparent in less optimistic long-term economic projections for Europe, virtually all mainstream outlook studies foresee economic expansion globally in the coming decades as Asia's huge populations continue their shift to Western patterns of production and consumption.
Assessment of global megatrends - an update
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Contextual Workspace – Driving Insights And Decisions
The need for faster and better innovation and improved productivity, and the shift towards high-value work will drive the evolution of improved workspaces. They will allow professionals to quickly create (virtual) project teams according to the project needs and the individual capabilities across any structural and organizational hierarchy. For now, siloed data sources, classical hierarchies and missing innovation and knowledge cultures are barriers for a more value- and project-driven work. Knowledge work will be more consumer like with contextual interfaces and new, social and open collaboration infrastructures and individuals will be able to identify the right people across all silos, networking with them more easily. The user experience will be a seamless one across devices, locations, and context. Machine learning based technologies such as immersive technologies, digital assistants and conversational bots will help with the handling, extraction and representation of data and generate new insights based on the individual roles and projects. Information and recommendations will be presented in a context- sensitive way and increase the user efficiency. The individualization of information will be used to understand knowledge and project management needs, and to support learning on the level of teams and individuals. Security and identity and access of information will be organized people-centric, to make it easier to get to information resources. Vendors are now bundling work stream collaboration with their productivity and unified communications products, which will a push towards even more unified and smart solutions. Contextual workspace will start around challenge-oriented and self-organizing project teams in research, innovation, design and engineering, and education as well as any knowledge and research heavy tasks and real-time data work such as pricing, logistics, supply-chains, maintenance etc.
Trend Report 2018 - Emerging Technology Trends