Trends Identified
Climate change and planetary boundaries
As evidence mounts that the impacts of human-caused climate change are already upon us, the future of international development cannot be considered in isolation from the need to adapt. Furthermore the Earth’s natural systems are under enormous pressure, with huge consequences for the world’s most vulnerable people. As UNep’s 2012 Global Environment Outlook assessment concludes: “Scientific evidence shows that Earth systems are being pushed towards their bio-physical limits, with evidence that these limits are close and have in some cases been exceeded”.
Tomorrow’s world: seven development megatrends challenging NGOs
The Guardian
Climate change and environmental change
31% of responding CEOs answered that they were 'extremely concerned'
Global CEO survey
Climate change and environment
Mitigating the considerable extent and impacts of climate change will require ambitious targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and waste recycling to be set and met, implying a major shift towards a low- carbon “circular economy” by mid-century. This shift will affect all parts of the economy and society and will be enabled by technological innovation and adoption in developed and developing economies.
OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016
Climate change & ecosystem at risk
Global warming and strategies to offset carbon emissions are two of the most prevalent issues of the 21st century. As economies continue to grow, so too does the demand for energy and, as a result, CO2 emissions. As part of Roland Berger’s leading Trend Compendium 2030 , this in-depth analysis takes a detailed look at what growing energy demands mean for the future of industry. We investigate three key components – global warming, rising CO2 emissions, and the obstacles faced by our ecosystems – to uncover the global challenges that climate change will bring with it.
Megatrends: a bigger picture for a better strategy
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Climate change
Rising greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) are_x000B_causing climate change and driving a complex mix_x000B_of unpredictable changes to the environment while further taxing the resilience of natural and built systems. Achieving the right combination of adaptation and mitigation policies will be difficult for most governments.
Future State 2030: The global megatrends shaping governments
Climate change
Man’s relation to earth is complex. Earth and nature determine the fate of mankind, but in turn mankind determines the fate of earth (nature) through technological advances and the extraction of natural resources, for instance, through large-scale deforestation, leading to less biodiversity and, consequently, desertification and erosion of the soil. Or through dumping plastic in the ocean (the infamous plastic soup). Ever since the seventies of the 20th century there has been a global debate on the limits of growth. Will tomorrow’s population be so large that it will exhaust the earth? Experts believe that climate change (through the greenhouse effect and global warming) will render specific regions on earth uninhabitable [Knox and Marston, 2011]. Weather conditions may become more unstable and more extreme. This will, for instance, increase the risk of large hurricanes and disastrous floods. Extreme heat and lack of water may turn specific parts of the world into deserts. Cities lying on the coast may disappear into the ocean.
Horizon scan 2050
Netherlands, The Netherlands Study Centre for Technology Trends (STT)
Climate Change
Global warming, rise of sea levels and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and more severe recently. Impacts related to climate change are evident across regions and in many sectors important to society such as human health, agriculture and food security, water supply, transportation, energy, ecosystems, and others and are expected to become increasingly disruptive throughout this century and beyond.
Science & Technology Foresight Malaysia
Malaysia, Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Climate Change
Overwhelming evidence indicates that the atmosphere will continue to warm at an unprecedented rate throughout the 21st century. A scientific consensus holds that a large part of this warming is attributable to human activities, primarily through increased concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. However, there is uncertainty about the rate and magnitude of change over the next century.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Climate Change
Climate change is a threat globally, and a particular menace to Africa. Many African countries are already under various forms of climate-related stress - drought, floods and rainfall variability - which, coupled with low adaptive capacity, make them highly vulnerable to climate change. Because the African continent is already among the hottest parts of the Earth, further warming will have adverse implications for socioeconomic development and welfare.
Africa in 50 Years’ Time
African Development Bank
Climate change
Climate change, its effect on agriculture, “green-growth” opportunities, citizen awareness, and behavioral change.
Why and how latin america should think about the future