Trends Identified
Cloud technology
Use of computer hardware and software resources delivered over a network or the Internet, often as a service
Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy
Cloud Technology
Cloud technology allows users to access scalable technology services immediately via the Internet’s existing network, promoting lower infrastructure, inventory, and overhead costs, and creating leaps in computing power and speed, data storage, and bandwidth.
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Cloud solutions
Cloud solutions are already on offer on IT services markets. It is sufficient to note the dramatic growth and publicity accorded to services to store content in the “cloud” which are being developed and supported by all of the major companies in the segment, as well as the increasing trend of migrating towards Internet-based applications and leading global software manufacturers moving to business models geared towards a “thin client”. According to recent research by McKinsey Global Institute, by 2025 the annual market potential of cloud technologies and applications according to various developmental scenarios for the global economy could range from 1.7 to 6.2 trillion dollars.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Cloud Revolution
Cloud services – from technology evolution to business revolution By helping organizations radically lower their cost of entry, speed time-to-solution, and put into place new models for elastic scale and pricing, cloud represents a compelling new chapter for how enterprises can better use IT. Though the technology itself is evolutionary in nature, its business applications are nothing short of revolutionary.
Depth perception A dozen technology trends shaping business and IT in 2010
Cloud orchestration
Cloud adoption across the enterprise is a growing reality, but much of the usage is in addition to on-premises systems—not in replacement. As cloud services continue to expand, companies are increasingly connecting cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-core systems—in strings, clusters, storms, and more—cobbling together discrete services for an end-to-end business process. Tactical adoption of cloud is giving way to the need for a coordinated, orchestrated strategy— and for a new class of cloud offerings built around business outcomes.
Tech trends 2014 - Inspiring Disruption
Cloud Computing Will Create More Value Higher up the Stack
There’s no denying the momentum of cloud computing. Accenture’s research shows that enterprises are already moving applications into the cloud. 1,2 The demand is anything but an IT fad; it is coming from a host of business functions. And it is truly a global phenomenon; companies everywhere from Brazil to China are moving ahead rapidly with adoption. It’s clear that IT and business executives should expect cloud computing to become ever more pervasive– to the point that the term “cloud computing” itself becomes superfluous. But what’s needed now is a shift in thinking from obvious but nondifferentiating benefits such as cost reduction through cloud infrastructure to where the cloud will have its real impact. When we look at the different facets of cloud computing – Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platformas- a-Service (PaaS), and so on – it is easier to see that most of the current emphasis on cloud is focused on the lower levels of the technology stack. For many large enterprises, the logical next step after virtualizing their data centers has been to leverage IaaS to augment those centers.
Accenture Technology Vision 2011
Cloud computing
2017 technology trends - Increasing stratification and changing competitive dynamics
Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a major technology leap that can give to public organisations, companies and SMEs virtually unlimited access to computing power without substantial capital investments in local IT infrastructure or advanced in-house ICT skills. Cloud computing can bring substantial advantages in particular as regards productivity growth as well as bring the tools needed for the digital revolution.
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European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Software as a Service (SaaS) delivered over the Internet
Disruptive technologies barometer