Trends Identified
Bioenergy grows
Bioreactors using algae modified through synthetic biology will likely allow firms to produce cheap fuels that use only sunlight and waste CO2 and water as inputs. Production costs for diesel and ethanol through this “green chemistry” could reach $0.30/L in sunny geographies. Since CO2 could become a valuable commodity as an input for bioreactors, carbon-emiting facilities might diversify into green manufacturing plants. Greener ways to process the oil sands are possible.
Metascan 3 emerging technologies
Canada, Policy Horizons Canada
Biodiversity is likely to become prized as research into the extent and variability of different forms of life yield significant technological and health advances. On land, diversity will be reduced as a side-effect of mass agricultural production techniques, industrialisation, urbanisation and through continued erosion of natural habitats, especially tropical rainforests.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Biotechnology, genomics, and proteomics 1 are now major driving forces in the biological sciences and are increasingly being applied in the study of environmental issues, medicine and pharmaceuticals, infectious diseases, and modifications of food crops. Bio-technology has the potential to lead to sustainable solutions for a range of sustainable development issues. 2 or example, genetically modified organisms could help address food insecurity in developing countries, but their impact on ecosystems, human health and community values may need to be better understood to be considered a truly sustainable solution. 3 Experience has shown that deployment of such technologies needs to consider the local situations and possible trade-offs. 4 Synthetic biology is a field of great promise and possible dangers. Tailor-made medical solutions, gene therapy, technology disruption in the food industry, bio-engineered medicines, and precise bio-inspired drug delivery systems that target specific infected cells - together with stem cells - give many promises. However, if inappropriately used, it could cause irreversible changes to human health and environment. 5, 6, 7 Synthetic biology requires effective policies and frameworks to manage all stages of their life- time, including manufacturing, distribution and use, as well as safe disposal or where possible effective recycling. 8, 9, 10 New and emerging gene-editing technologies and their implications, benefits, and potential ethical problems for biotechnology and medicine have generated international scientific debate, with recommendations to establish norms concerning acceptable uses of human germline editing and harmonize regulations. 10 Genuine “human engineering” may not be far off in the future, when technologies related to gene-editing, stem cells and computational models of the human brain will be combined.
Global sustainable development report 2016
United Nations
Bio-signal interface
The technology uses bio-signal and body movement as an interface (Human – Computer Interaction) for the disabled or the elderly to use computers as well as to create command for drive control of information equipment, cars and wheelchairs. One needs to attach a sensor on his or her body to use this interface which base the system on bio-signal and body movement. As the technology uses natural bio-signal, it can be applied for virtual reality, wearable computers and interface for the elderly and the disabled. In addition, bio-signal technology can be developed into monitoring technology which can be applied in rehabilitation area, medical examination and smart healthcare.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2013
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: NatureWorks (US), Gruppo MAIP (Italy), Genomatica (US), Green Dot Bioplastics (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Primarily driven by non-climate related environmental concerns, notably plastic trash in the ocean, biodegradable plastic is likely to make inroads as the technology develops, with potentially upward of 50% of plastics replaced by non- oil based alternatives by 2040, 8 including potentially with nanotechnology solutions.
The bigger picture- The impact of automation, AI, shared economy on oil demand
The 2° Investing Initiative
Bio-electric interfaces
Bioelectronic interfaces make it possible to integrate electronic devices with biological tissues (often membranes of nerve cells) to carry out vital processes and bodily functions under various conditions and environments. From a medical viewpoint this is necessary to achieve connections between implantable chips, bionic prosthetic limbs, implanted artificial sensory organs, and the electrodes of various biotechnical systems and medical devices. Electronic sensory organs are likely to be developed, as well as prosthetics made from new materials with increased compatibility.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Bio Stamp
(Definition) The technology is a sensor which can be attached to skin in order to monitor the person’s health. (Application) The technology allows the elderly to simply monitor their health as when the device is attached to the skin it can automatically monitor live the blood pressure, temperature, brain activities and so on, then send the data.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2015
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Bio Computing – Using Nature‘s Computation
One way to solve the limits of current miniaturization is to use biological molecules for computing. Biological computing uses synthesized biological components – mostly DNA – to store and manipulate data, analogous to processes in the human body. It computes by using enzymes that react with DNA strands. Biological computing allows very small and fast and potentially paralell computing process, with great accuracy and unmatched energy efficiency. The first DNA based computer was launched in 2002 but the technology is still in very early prototype stage, with the MIT being one of the most prolific research institutes. Present barriers result in low accuracy, the need for new methodologies, and interoperability issues with other computing systems. Use cases would be ID cards, DNA chips, cryptography, and genetic programming.
Trend Report 2018 - Emerging Technology Trends