Trends Identified

The inclusivity paradox
People expect organizations to see and engage with them as individuals. But there is a risk that by trying to be more inclusive, organizations inadvertently exclude others. And by trying to speak to the individual, organizations risk saying something not quite right. Eventually, artificial intelligence will help overcome this paradox of inclusivity. Until then, organizations must evolve their approach beyond stale segmentation to meaningful mindsets if they’re to meet developing expectations.
Fjord trends 2019
Behavioral science
People make mental shortcuts in order to make complex choices. These shortcuts help in many situations where fast reaction is needed. But when time is available to decide, a profounder thinking process is needed, which requires effort. The Human Behaviour can be studied and influenced. It is studied in Behavioural Science and it can be predicted in order to set conditions and choices so that desirable behaviour occurs; e.g. in relation to health, climate, energy and other policies. Behavioural Science is helping us to understand why and how we behave the way we do. Organ Donation Behaviour: Depending on whether the choice is "opt-out" or "opt-in" the rate of organ donors can vary from 10% in one country to 90% in another country.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Future Foods
People’s attitudes to food are changing, and science is beginning to catch up.
Most contagious report 2018
The political lifestyle
Pepsi practically invented life- style marketing in 1963, when it struck upon the idea for the Pepsi Generation, and the brand has been distilling the essence of youth into its ads ever since. In previous years, this involved montages of clean-cut teens cavorting at swimming holes and collaborations with the Spice Girls, but in 2017 Pepsi decided it meant protests and social conscience.
Most contagious
Know-how base
Performance of the global knowledge society will improve over the next twenty years. The cross-linking of knowledge via the Internet will increase significantly up to 2030. Some experts predict that Internet users will consume an average of 3 gigabytes of data per day by 2030. The Internet could already have 5 billion users by 2020, about 2.9 billion more than today. The build-up of knowledge networks in the Internet has already increased significantly to date. For example, since the online encyclopedia Wikipedia was launched in 2001, the number of English articles has risen to over 3.5 million (as of the beginning of 2011).
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
DNA fingerprinting and personal genomes
Personal genomes will replace more traditional forms of identification. Newborns will be screened for possible genetic diseases and the genome data will be added to the healthcare record as a reference diagnostic point. Genetic information will be available if necessary for specific purposes. While individuals will own and actively manage their genetic and health data, safeguards will make sure that fundamental rights, including human dignity will be preserved in the EU.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Personal Lifelog
Personal lifelog collects and classifies all the information that has been obtained or experienced during one’s daily life. The technology facilitates search and retrieval of information whenever it is needed.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2009
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Personalised medicine
Personalised medicine has the potential to offer safer and better treatments and diets, earlier diagnostics and prevention. No longer based on averages or statistics, but on what you need, when you need it, while taking into account your specific genome, biochemistry, environment and behaviour. Citizens will actively manage their health through sensoring devices, mobile apps etc. which can eventually lead to advanced tools such as personal medical avatar.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Digital Trust
Pervasive new technologies raise potent new digital risk issues. Without trust, businesses cannot share and use the data that underpins their operations. That’s why the most advanced security systems today go well beyond establishing perimeter security and incorporate a powerful commitment to the highest ethical standards for data.
Accenture Technology Vision 2016
On AI in media
Peter Rojas, partner, betaworks ventures. On AI in media: In the coming year, we’ll see a number of technologies that blur the boundaries between what is real and what is synthetic. There’s synthetic media, where powerful new tools for creating highly realistic computer-generated imagery are increasingly accessible to anyone with a decent laptop or smartphone. Another part of synthetic media is algorithmically generated content, in which tools like generative adversarial networks create, enhance, or edit media far more efficiently than humans. We’d also put news articles “written” by AI in this category. Related to all this is the new world of digital avatars and virtual celebrities/influencers that use these tools.
The biggest tech trends of 2019, according to top experts
Fast Company