Trends Identified

Machine-to-machine interaction technologies
The development of machine-to-machine interaction technologies (machine-to-machine, M2M) will lead to the emergence of more flexible opportunities for collaboration and distributed control of infrastructure objects and will become an important stage on the route to implementing the global concept of the “Internet of Things”.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Algorithms and software to verify large programmes
The development of algorithms and software to verify large programmes for cloud and grid- based applications is one of the key fields of research and development in ICT. In the medium term, progress in software development technologies will set down a path of improving methods to verify industrial hardware and software systems. Theoretical bases for algorithms allowing for effective verification have already been developed and tested. In the foreseeable future, these methods will become part of the technology cycle of companies which create programmes for critical applications. In a number of cases verification technologies are relevant not only for major software systems, but also to reduce the time take to develop various medium-complexity applications where reliability is a particularly high requirement (built-in computer technologies for on-board control systems in space and military equipment, medical equipment, mobile telephones, etc.).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Cure for Ageing.
The development of a treatment that could prevent or cure the effects of ageing would have a significant impact on global society. Initial access to such an advance could be highly unequal and only be available to wealthier members of society, mostly in the developed world. The whole fabric of society would be challenged and new norms and expectations would rapidly develop in response to the change.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
“smart” networks, including micro-networks
The development of “smart” networks, including micro-networks, is aimed at reducing the cost of electricity and creating power reserves directly at end consumers’ location. The result of further improvements to this technology should be an increase in the reliability and security of power supplies, higher levels of technological processes’ computerization, the introduction of digital technologies and microprocessor equipment into monitoring and control systems, and reductions in operating costs. Demand for these technologies and equipment in Russia is relatively high, due to the need for large-scale renovation of Russia’s electrical energy sector. The growth in global demand for electrical equipment also creates high export potential.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Advances in Material Science
The design and manufacture of materials at the molecular level will result in ‘designer’ materials, with in-built capabilities to sense and modify their behaviour or functionality, introducing a new manufacturing paradigm. Most advances are likely to occur where material science combines with, or adopts, principles employed with other innovative disciplines including electronics, nanotechnology and biology.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Older people
The demography within countries will also change, with increasing percentages of elderly people. Indeed, the UN projects that 58% of the world’s population growth will come from increases in the number of people over 60, whereas only 6% will come from people under 30.7 This trend is already evident in developed countries, particularly Europe, Japan, and Korea, where the decline in the labour force and corresponding increase in retirement expenditures is taxing economies.
Megatrends and the future of humanitarian action
International Review of the Red Cross
War for talent
The demand for qualified people exceeds the supply
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Defence and Security
The decline in the incidence of inter- state war and the emergence of transnational threats, especially in the developed world, has resulted in greater political emphasis being placed on security rather than defence. Moreover, security has gradually evolved from the concepts of national and international security to the idea of human security.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
3D printing for development
The current ‘tipping point’ moment, where 3d printing is ‘coming of age as a manufacturing technique’ and is considered to be the cornerstone of a decentralised manufacturing revolution.
Ten Frontier Technologies for International Development
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Next-generation orbital stations
The creation of next-generation orbital stations is a breakthrough innovation in this field and could make it possible to manufacture special materials, microchips and nanostructures on industrial scales in space. The development of space (orbital) groups, including by creating new space instruments and improving existing rockets and stations and the expansion of ground-based infrastructure, including the creation of new and improved existing cosmodromes, control centres and communications, have already started to take shape. Next-gene- ration orbital stations will have greater levels of energy efficiency, comfort and safety. Moreover, the operating principles of orbital “factories” and automated research complexes will be developed, and foundations for the construction of robotic methods to carry out orbital operations and technical servicing in automated and adaptive modes will be established to provide automated docking technologies and to bring together the modules of a multi- functional orbital complex.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation