Trends Identified

New technologies and principles to develop the component base
Maintaining the rate of growth in the ICT sector globally requires continuous increases in the performance of computer technology. At present, the technological process to manufacture Information and Communication Technology semi-finished products and materials reached the atomic level, which is where the Pauli exclusion principle, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and other fundamental positions in quantum physics limiting the potential to control elementary particles come into play. So as to avoid a collapse of ICT markets caused by a slowdown in the development of the hardware component, which would result in negative effects for the entire global economy, there needs to be timely industrial development of new technologies and principles to develop the component base. The research priorities in this context should be focused on the areas of nanotechnology (electronics based on graphene, fullerene, etc.), photonics and memrister technologies.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
New varieties of plants and breeds of agricultural animals
In the short term new varieties of crop plants and breeds of agricultural animals could be achieved by using molecular markets in selective work, double haploid technologies, genetic engineering, and other methods. It is expected that new varieties and hybrids will have properties such as high nutritional content, increased productivity, and/or other benefits (size of fruit, ripening time), and resistance to diseases, pests and adverse environmental conditions. The development of genome selection technologies will make it possible to develop new, higher quality breeds of agricultural animals (for example, in terms of meat fat content) with faster growth which, in turn, will contribute to rational use of animal feed. The practical introduction of new products will lead to an increase in the efficiency of agricultural production and a reduction in crop losses.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Next-generation biofuels
Efficient technologies to generate biofuels (including motor fuels) will save non-renewable supplies of fossil hydrocarbons, allowing for a significant expansion in the current resource base of the economy, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and, ultimately, a reduction in the negative impact of the energy sector on the planet’s climate. The main developmental directions in bioenergy technologies are increases in the energy efficiency of bio-conversion of carbon dioxide gas into motor fuel, reductions in the cost of biofuels, an expanded raw materials base for biofuels (for example, the development of technologies to convert lignocellulose into biofuel), and improvements in quality (stability, environmental cleanliness).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Biomaterials and organic synthesis products to replace traditional chemical industry products
Biotechnological process to produce biomaterials and organic synthesis products out of renewable raw materials, to replace traditional chemical production and develop innovative products with unique properties would involve the development of the new strains of microorganisms and microbial consortia involved in these processes as well as the development of technologies to produce biosynthetic monomers and polymerisation methods. The replacement of chemical manufacturing with manufacturing based on biotechnological processes to produce materials and organic synthesis products from renewable raw materials will make it possible to create products with a high level of purity (including optically pure organic substances to synthesise drugs) and reduce the cost of their manufacture. New types of biomaterials will have a wide range of applications on account of their special characteristics. A number of products (bioplastics, etc.) will have valuable properties such as biodegradability, and this, in turn, will provide an impetus for the creation of new biodegradable materials for medical and industrial purposes.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Metabolic engineering products
Biotechnological processes to produce biologically active compounds based on targeted modification of the producing organism’s pathways using metabolic engineering techniques will make it possible to produce amino acides, vitamins, antibiotics, enzymes, recombinant proteins and other products. The increased effectiveness of new methods of metabolic engineering and bio- engineering against the backdrop of traditional methods (random mutagenesis, etc.) reduces the cost of the product and creates the necessary conditions for mass application in various industries.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Biotechnology processes to obtain recombinant proteins of plant and animal origin
Biotechnological processes to produce recombinant proteins for industrial (enzymes, biopolymers, etc.) and medical (vaccines, antibodies, enzymes) use in plants and animals, or “biofactories”, are cheaper and more effective compared with traditional technologies based on using microbial cultures and animal cells. Thus, technologies to produce recombinant proteins in plants using viral systems, and in the milk of transgenic animals, are one of the key prospective developments in this field.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Devices to monitor the current state of the body
The use of devices to monitor the current condition of an organism, including remotely, will make it possible to simultaneously monitor a large group of patients, continuously monitor the parameters of an organism and the state of health of a patient (and where necessary take any urgent support measures), the correctness and timeliness of doctors’ instructions, and enable communications between individual monitoring devices and the remote work location of the doctor.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Data analysis systems for low- and high-molecular marker molecules
Systems to analyse data on low- and high-molecular marker molecules are hardware and soft­ ware systems offering high­performance analysis of proteins, nucleic acids and low­molecular metabolites using miniaturised mass spectrometers. The unique feature of these systems lies in their ability to quickly identify the structure of molecules, which makes these technological solu­ tions highly in demand in biochemical diagnostics.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Surgical optical technology
The result of the practical introduction of new surgical optical equipment to replace (or complement) traditional medical equipment will be a reduction in tissue trauma and a fall not only in the time required for operations, but also the duration of a patient’s stay in hospital. The development of minimally invasive surgery and the creation of complex hybrid systems consisting of nanotechnology and micro­electromechanical systems (including 3D and 4D multi­modal visualisation systems) will make it possible to use robotics in minimally invasive endoscopic procedures.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Surgical robots
The emergence of new surgical robots, as well as nanorobots, will make it possible to reduce the level of trauma, wound infection and avoid the need for blood transfusions. Operations carried out using robots will see reduced soreness in the post­operative period, accelerated rehabilitation times, minimal risks of the complications common in traditional surgery, increased oncological and functional results from operations, and improved cosmetic effects due to the lack of large post­operative scars. The introduction of such surgical technologies will reduce the impact of the human element during the operation and in terms of its outcome.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation