Trends Identified

Nanostructured composite materials with special properties (including conductive, magnetic and optical)
Nanostructured composite materials with special optical properties (including photon crystals) will be particularly in demand by 2030. In the medium term we can expect to see the use of systems with sensory properties, for example, the ability to change the range of intensity of emitted light in conjunction with certain reagents. There may significant improvements in key functional parameters of fibre-optic communications lines providing safely screened multichannel methods to transfer data – speed and quality of the transfer – by using nanostructured materials, on the one hand, with extremely high levels of immunity to interference and, on the other hand, which are not a source of radiation. The application of photon crystal and micro-structured fibres opens up new opportunities to use fibre-optics in physical value sensors.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Nano- and micro-robotics systems
Nano- and microrobotics systems appear to be very promising in terms of their use in medicine, including to develop next-generation surgical devices. In this group, promising products include: movable elements of nano- and microrobotics systems based on laminated nanocomposite materials; integrated equipment based on mechatronic modules to machine complex parts; active nanostructures based on magneto-elastic materials and multiferroics with artificially created critical states, designed for micro-electromechanical systems; mechatronic modules used for spatial positioning of nanosystems and nanotechnological equipment based on incremental micromotors, roller drives and microprocessor control systems.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Electronic elements based on graphene, fullerene, carbon nanotubes, quantum dots
An important breakthrough in the electronics industry will be the development of electronic elements based on graphene, fullerene, carbon nanotubes and quantum dots. The electronic devices developed on the basis of these, with very small dimensions and weights, will have very high functional parameters. It is anticipated that after development of the frequency range up to several terahertz and significantly increasing the performance of computer systems, fundamentally new communications devices could be created with unprecedented broad-band channels. This will open up a new niche for high-speed data transfer networks with small ranges and will make it possible to completely abandon the use of cables when connecting audio, television and video devices and home cinema equipment when transferring multi-threaded video at high resolution. Graphene photodiodes, used as photo receivers in the terahertz range, could be mounted in compact security systems (to detect arms, drugs, explosives, etc.).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Elements electronics based on memristors
New opportunities to create neuromorphic computer systems with a revolutionary new architecture will be opened up by memristor-based electronics. This drastically increases their performance when solving problems which have been poorly programmed on classic computers, and significantly reduces their energy consumption. In the field of “smart” electronics, it may be possible to make controlled changes to the electrical resistance of functional materials with long-term storage of the specified status, which will make it possible to use these structures as equivalents to synapses when setting up the hardware for neural networks and building neuromorphic computer systems.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Molecular self-assembly and self-organisation of nanomechanical systems
As for the distant future it is worth mentioning molecular self-assembly. Products in this group will find the greatest use. Thus, self-assembling microchips will be especially cost-effective, productive and energy-efficient. There is serious potential for medical applications, in particular to develop diagnosis methods and targeted drug delivery systems.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Long-term weather forecasts with long lead times
The role of long-term weather forecasting with a large lead time and a success rate exceeding climate forecasts will grow in environmental forecasting (in particular, dangerous natural phenomena) and economic planning (natural resources and economic risks affected by the climate, trends in climate dependent economic sectors, etc.), which will in turn contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and the security of the country.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Remote monitoring systems including using satellite systems
The introduction of remote monitoring systems using satellite systems will ensure that qualitatively new information on the state of the land, land based installations, and natural and anthropogenic processes is available. These data will serve as the primary source to create up-to-date thematic maps. Aside from this, prospective remote surveying technologies and computer data processing technologies vastly exceed the capabilities of traditional cartography both in terms of content and the diversity of the methods used to present the data.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Meso-scale models to forecast dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena
The meso-scale model to forecast dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena is a software package incorporating an actual meso­scale atmospheric model; a unit to prepare input data, constraints and surface properties (pre-processing); and a post­processing unit to process modelling output data, additional calculations and visualisation. Such models, implemented for limited territories, already serve as a means to provide a detailed forecast of meteorological fields with various parameters (temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation, wind), and the sampling resolution of the computer grids for operational weather forecasting does not exceed 2 km2. Improving these models will enhance the accuracy and scales of the fore­ casts of dangerous phenomena, both for “purely atmospheric” (storm wind speed, large­scale precipitation, etc.) and for series of hydrometeorological phenomena (storm surges, floods, rough seas, avalanches, etc.).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Systems to diagnose the state of natural and dangerous man-made systems
Systems to diagnose the state of natural and dangerous man-made systems are critical for the prevention of emergencies. These systems include not only an instrument base, but also a means to process and visualise the results. Their application means that the amount of time required for diagnosis can be reduced and accuracy can be increased, which would greatly reduce the possible damage and increase the safety of the technosphere. The development of systems to diagnose the state of natural and dangerous man­made systems based on innovative equipment will lead to the creation of new markets in the field of instrumentation and software.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Methods to forecast natural and man-made disasters and their after-effects based on observation data
Over the past two decades there has been active development in methods to forecast natural and man-made disasters and their after-effects based on observation data. For this, geographic information systems (GIS technology) has been used which, among other things, allows you to collect operational data, analyse the signs of brewing earthquakes and assess possible threats of their occurrence on a spatio­temporal scale. The prospective techniques that are being developed for earthquake regions will be based on detecting changes in the pattern of the solar­terrestrial structure (cloud seismo­tectonic indicators). To monitor and forecast earth­ quakes there needs to be space image data, including images at intervals of no less than 15–30 minutes, covering large areas and at a high sampling resolution.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation