Trends Identified

Web services (geoportals)
Geoportals – a set of web­services (downloads, visualisation, editing, transformation, analysis, etc.) carried out on the basis of unrestricted access to geographic (geospatial) information – make it possible to improve efficiency and dramatically reduce the amount of time required to deliver public services. Moreover, they address the problem of investment openness and transparency. An important property of geoportals is the self-development of services. Thus, regional geoportals will be able to monitor the movement of state and municipal transport (snow removal machinery, ambulances, etc.). This leads to the accumulation of data on average speeds along main city thoroughfares and makes it easier to find ways to optimise use of the road network.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Land registries based on Geographic Information Systems
Registers developed on the basis of geographic information systems are a system for quantitative and qualitative information on the state of natural resources, their economic and social value, as well as the breakdown and categories of users. All registers contain explicit and implicit spatial data; however, under the existing system the accumulation and storage of information on their “spatiality” is not in any way used in the procedures of services connected with the extraction and comparison of information stored in multiple registers. The creation of registers based on integrated GIS platforms will reduce the time taken to provide a service to a few minutes (currently, in Russian departments it can take days or weeks). During their development, there may be potential to allow for integration into other GIS platforms and databases. Moreover, keeping registers will open up a broad range of analytical capabilities and will become a key factor in the development of state and municipal services on an entirely different level.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Techniques to optimise spatial planning
Practices to optimise land planning in accordance with the landscape structure and the environmental and resource potential of the land imply the embedding of the landscape component in the land planning procedure. They will include GIS algorithms for landscape mapping, the development of generally accepted classifiers for various scale levels, and substantial GIS modelling of key stages of landscape planning: engineering and geological assessments of land, analysis of the capacity (vulnerability, resistance) of landscapes, calculation of eco­service systems, arrangement of the environmental framework and planning regional tourist and recreational systems.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Development and extraction of unconventional raw materials sources
The creation of equipment to develop and extract non-traditional sources of raw materials will guarantee the necessary conditions for the industrial development of new hydrocarbon sources. The application of these technologies implies a several fold increase in the volume of reserves, the geographical expansion of extraction, and the transformation of the raw hydro­ carbons market with an increase in the proportion of resources and alternatives to traditional oil and natural gas (gas­hydrates, shale gas, “heavy oil” and oil sands, coal mine methane, methane from high gas­bearing coal formations, etc.).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Systems to increase oil extraction ratios, including targeted changes in the collecting properties of fields
Systems and methods to increase the oil extraction ratio, including a targeted change in their reservoir properties, in particular at depleted hydrocarbon deposits and low pressure gas deposits, will play a crucial role. These involve a combination of technological solutions, instruments and integrated groups aimed to have a chemical and physical impact on hydrocarbon­bearing formations in general and on individual components (hydrocarbons in beds, hydrocarbons themselves, water, etc.), leading to an increase in oil extraction. New technologies will not only help to increase the effectiveness of hydrocarbon extraction at operating deposits, but also to develop deposits with reserves which are hard to extract, including those which are currently regarded as exhausted. In the long-term, this will significantly increase the operating term of existing deposits and will push back the exhaustion of industrial stocks of traditional hydrocarbon raw materials by a decade. Some technological solutions will also be focused on recycling industrial carbon dioxide emissions.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Environmentally safe and energy saving processing and re-use of household waste to generate secondary raw materials
The introduction of environmentally friendly and energy efficient systems offering integrated and extensive processing of raw materials to divide minerals into end products with the maximum quantity of mineral components will allow for substantial improvements in the effective­ ness of mineral processing and a reduction in the volume of waste production. It will be possible to develop new affordable sources of raw minerals which, in turn, will lead to cheaper processing, changes in the geography of exporting and importing nations, and growth in competition on the market. There is expected to be a fall in capital expenditure and water consumption by 15–20% and expenditure on reagents and energy to process minerals by 30–50%; the productivity of processing and enrichment facilities will increase by 10–40% and the level of useful component extraction will increase significantly.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Environmentally safe and energy saving processing and re-use of production waste to create articles, materials and valuable components
The application of equipment for environmentally safe and resource-efficient processing of production waste, generating goods and materials and valuable components will provide an opportunity to engage in the use of inactive reserves of minerals, poor ores, and metallurgy waste, and to reduce the amount of metal lost in dumps of unpayable ore and old waste from processing companies. Aside from this, the introduction of new developments will help to re­duce the level of environmental pollution, in particular by minimising the area used for storing and disposing of waste on industrial land, which can eliminate the risk of highly toxic com­ pounds entering the soil, waste water and the atmosphere.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Useful next-generation component pre-concentration systems
New generation useful component pre-concentration systems are aimed at enriching minerals by various methods (gravitational, magnetic, electrical, flotation, bacterial, chemical, impulse, radiation and radio­thermal, concentrated and in­situ leaching methods, etc.). In particular, one of the technological objectives is to enrich material contained in man­made dumps and tailings up to an industrial concentration of a useful component. The further development of such technologies will create conditions to increase industrial supplies of mineral raw materials by bringing into service deposits with low metal content ores. Wider use of solid pockets of minerals will bring about an overall reduction in the value of extracted ore. The effectiveness of work by metallurgical and chemical companies which use enriched raw materials will increase together with the level of extraction of useful components of certain types of minerals; the amount of waste and raw materials loss will decrease.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Next-generation purification systems
New generation purification systems are based on nanotechnologies in water purification membranes. The availability of technology will lead in the long-term to solving the problem of drinking water shortages in a number of world regions and improving the effectiveness of closed loop water processes in industry with prospects for optimising the sizes and increasing the mobility of existing treatment complexes.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Environmentally safe and energy saving systems for integrated and deep processing of minerals
The introduction of environmentally safe and resource-efficient processing and recycling of communal waste generating secondary raw materials and end products will dramatically reduce the use of sites for the dumping of solid household waste, which will lead, on the one hand, to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale and, on the other hand, the replacement of a portion of traditional fuels. The waste processing and recycling market will grow actively, and correspondingly there is expected to be growth in the market for construction materials made from secondary raw materials.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation