Trends Identified
Political/government gridlock
26% of the respondents view this as a negative trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Political/government gridlock
31% of the respondents view this as a negative trend
Adoption of intelligent automation does not equal success. 4Q 2017 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report.
Politics of the Information Age
Politics often evolves as a reaction to changing societal and economic trends. There is evidence -- from measures on inequality to the percentage of the economy comprised of services -- that in much of the developed world, the industrial era has transitioned to an information economy. Political reactions to these economic changes are already underway across the United States and Europe. While they are highly unlikely to completely overturn the existing political landscape by 2035, they will add new layers that will shift partisan coalitions and incentive structures. Some of the most important aspects will be industry disruption and political competition for new or more important voting blocs such as newly upper middle class professionals, former industry workers, gig economy contractors, and the elderly.
Global trends to 2035
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Pollution eating buildings
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Elegant Embellishments (Germany), iNova (Spain), Studio Roosegaarde (Netherlands), Prosolve e (Germany).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Polycentric World
The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and polycentric. Emerging technologies, improved communications and access to modern transportation create newly empowered actors that may compete with traditional ones. The exponential rise of information technology enables dispersed individuals to act as an effective organised group within a network. This could empower and embolden organisations, advocacy groups, security providers, criminal syndicates, extremists, or individuals to attempt to shape the outcomes of political, social, economic, and environmental issues.
Strategic Foresight Analysis 2013 Report
Polymerase Chain Reaction for Site Diagnosis
The technology of examining the gene on the spot using the gene amplification technology PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). The DNA and RNA containing the gene information are extracted from saliva or blood, and amplified to check infection. This method was spotlighted as the quickest and accurate method since the outbreak of novel swine-origin influenza. Its application is expanding day by day, including respiratory disease check, venereal disease check, drug resistance test, and somatic mutation test for cancer diagnosis.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2011
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
We are confronted by the evidence of our rapidly changing world every day and are contributing to its change each in our own way. In the past 50 years, we’ve doubled the number of people alive on our planet, reaching seven billion people at the end of last year. In the next 40 years we are expecting over two billion more people to be alive than today.
The future
Population growth will still bene t a few
The majority of countries in Africa and the Middle Eastern region will benefit from an increase in their working populations, which will be an advantage in sustaining higher growth rates in the forecast period.
Long-term macroeconomic forecasts Key trends to 2050
The Economist
For the last seven decades, globalization has marched forward uninterrupted. The Bretton Woods Institutions and multiple subsequent free trade agreements ushered in an era of trade liberalization and global supply chains, trends that helped lift more than one billion people out of poverty. In 2016, that inexorable forward-march hit a major roadblock when back-to-back election results gave us Brexit and President Trump, bringing populism and anti-globalization to the forefront. While populism had been ascendant in numerous countries before this — from Poland and Hungary to Bolivia and the Philippines — these elections brought such political philosophies to two of the world’s largest economies.
What’s after what’s next? The upside of disruption Megatrends shaping 2018 and beyond
35% of responding CEOs answered that they were 'extremely concerned'
Global CEO survey