Trends Identified
Predictive gene-based healthcare
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: Kite Pharma/Gilead Sciences (US), 2andMe (US), Phenogen Sciences (US), Regeneron (US), Veritas Genetics (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Predictive policing
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: PredPol (US), ECM Universe (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London
Preparations based on human cell cultivation products to stimulate regeneration processes
The use of preparations based on cell cultivations stimulating regeneration processes will make it possible to overcome diseases which were previously seen as incurable through the potential for a patient to reproduce their own cells or have cells introduced into the body. By varying the cell cultivation conditions (for example, by placing them in a hypoxic environment), it is possible to change the relationship of factors according to the required results (stimulating or suppressing angiogenesis, apoptosis and the proliferation of receptor cells).
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Prepping for the next big thing
Innovations tend to cluster in waves, and five potential platform technologies—nanotechnology, genomics, artificial intelligence, robotics and ubiquitous connectivity— show promise of flowering over the coming decade. In many cases, developments across technologies will be mutually reinforcing. For example, advances in nanotechnology will enable the enhanced computational power necessary for breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Estimated contribution to global GDP by 2020: $1 trillion.
The great eight: Trillion-dollar growth trends to 2020
Bain and Company
Pricing the planet
A collision is shaping up among the rising demand for resources, constrained supplies, and changing social attitudes toward environmental protection. The next decade will see an increased focus on resource productivity, the emergence of substantial clean-tech industries, and regulatory initiatives.
Mckinsey quarterly, Global forces: An introduction
Printable organs
We are on the verge of the “internet of everywhere”. It will be far more democratic: accessible to everyone, rich and poor. The excitement of the internet of things will be a small footnote in history as the internet of everywhere becomes our reality. Do you remember the old movie, Minority Report, with Tom Cruise? Ultra cheap, internet-enabled solar-powered screens that display in HDTV resolution will be on bus stops, in shopping centres, at tables in restaurants – all operating on a centralized advertising model. Gone are the days of the static acetate poster on the wall of a shopping mall. And finally, since these HD monitors have beacons, they will dynamically change content as your phone passes by, telling the monitor all your preferences.
14 tech predictions for our world in 2020
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Private Sector
For the private sector to play its full role as engine of growth in Africa and poverty reduction, African countries will need to create an enabling environment for a vibrant private sector in which micro, small, and medium size enterprises (MSMEs) and labour-intensive activities thrive alongside large firms in both traditional and new areas. This will require improving the legal and regulatory environment for doing business, increasing access to finance, improving corporate governance, strengthening human capital and skills development and fostering entrepreneurship.
Africa in 50 Years’ Time
African Development Bank
Processes of technological transformation and innovation
Technological innovation could have a very significant impact on the ability of people to meet their needs and to adapt to climate change. The world is becoming hyper-connected. Technological changes and the rapid diffusion of information and communications technologies, particularly among young people, have also broken down many of the old barriers between northern and southern publics. By 2030, it is estimated that 50% of the global population will have internet access. There is also growing appreciation of how technology links to human and environmental systems, escalating conflict or cooperation.
Tomorrow’s world: seven development megatrends challenging NGOs
The Guardian