Trends Identified
Populism: From Backlash to Framing the Future
The rise of populism on both sides of the Atlantic is one of the defining social, political and economic phenomena of the current era.
Shaping the future
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Positive impact of intelligent automation/digital labor
62% of the respondents view this as a positive trend
Adoption of intelligent automation does not equal success. 4Q 2017 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report.
Positive impact of intelligent automation/digital labor
65% of the respondents view this as a positive trend.
4Q 2018 KPMG Global Insights Pulse Survey Report
Post-carbon society
To prevent the most severe impacts of climate change, the international community has agreed that global warming should be kept below 2 degrees compared to the temperature in pre-industrial times. This means a profound change for the world economy, biodiversity and oceans. EU leaders have committed to transforming Europe into a highly energy-efficient, low carbon economy and society. To lead the world to the post-carbon era, the EU has committed to cutting its emissions to 20% below 1990 levels by 2020 in view of reaching 80-95% emissions reductions in 2050. The European Commission proposes a mid-term target of 40% emissions reductions by 2030.
Preparing the Commission for future opportunities - Foresight network fiches 2030
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
Potential slowing
and/or reversal of financial globalization
Geostrategic risks on the rise
Between 1990 and 2002, global average incomes increased by approximately 21% and the number of people living in absolute poverty declined by an estimated 130 million; global child mortality rates fell from 103 deaths per 1,000 live births a year to 88; life expectancy rose from 63 years to nearly 65 years; an additional 8% of people in the developing world gained access to clean water; and an additional 15% acquired access to improved sanitation services.221 Economic growth is likely to lead to a continued reduction, albeit unevenly distributed, in absolute poverty.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
As Harvard University political scientist Joseph Nye has pointed out, power in geopolitics will shift from West to East. And in business and society, power will shift from the centre to the margins, in both the West and East. While shifts in power occurred in the past, we need to watch the particulars of the upcoming shifts: the return of the East as leaders in science and technology, not just as major economies; and the empowerment of marginal actors, such as social minorities and new platform businesses, who may grow into influential actors and even take on lead roles one day.
Singapore, The Centre for Strategic Futures
Power and Values
A period of change in the international system is destabilizing assumptions about global order. Last year’s Global Risks Report argued that the world is becoming not just multipolar, but also “multiconceptual”. This chapter further examines how changing power dynamics and diverging norms and values are affecting global politics and the global economy. The chapter begins by outlining how normative differences increasingly shape domestic and international politics. It then highlights three trends with the potential to trigger disruptive change: (1) the difficulty of sustaining global consensus on ethically charged issues such as human rights; (2) intensifying pressure on multilateralism and dispute-settlement mechanisms; and (3) states’ increasingly frequent use of geo-economic policy interventions.
The Global Risks Report 2019 14th Edition
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Power of innovation
The basic innovations of the next 20 years are not easily predicted and there is no consensus of what to expect in 2030. For example, Vernor Vinge, a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), predicts that A.I. will surpass human intelligence after 2020, whereas THE FUTURIST puts the date in 2032. Predictions about future innovations are always risky – they may fail to materialize or do so at a different time – if and when they come true, they will dramatically change and dominate our lives. Therefore, we need to look at those potential changes
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Powered exoskeletons
Example of Organizationsactive in the area: ReWalk (US), Rex Bionics (US), SuitX/US Bionics (US), Ekso Bionics (US), Lockheed Martin (US).
Table of disruptive technologies
Imperial College London