Trends Identified

First Wave Of 5G Enabled Smart Phones/High Speed Devices
5G enabled smartphones are on track to take over the mobile industry in 2019. Samsung, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Motorola and Huawei are among the leading mobile phone developers that are vying to launch 5G enabled mobile sets this year.5G will enable more hybrid and cloud applications ranging from machine learning to cloud-based graphics rendering for VR, AR, and gaming. With gigabit speeds, 5G will also eliminate the need for wires as the last mile of connectivity, even within homes and enterprises.
Top 10 Trends For 2019
Fire-resistant solid electrolytes with high-efficiency
(Definition) A technology that enables a significant improvement on cell stability and energy density by replacing flammable organic liquid electrolytes of existing lithium-ion cells with ones having ionic conductivity (solid state). (Use) Create an eco-friendly and energy efficient society where EVs, with which travelling a long-distance is available by charging once with no worry about explosion or fire ignition, are widely used.
KISTEP 10 Emerging Technologies 2019
South Korea, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Fintech industry is emerging as a catalyst for new growth
Innovative financial technology ( fintech) is an industry that emerged in the past few years from being an unknown term to an entity that may be shaping Australia’s future and its international competitive advantage108,109.
Surfing the digital tsunami
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Fine to be fallible - profitiing from an age of epic fails
In societies hard-wired to strive for and venerate success, it may seem counter-intuitive to suggest that competitive advantage lies in publicly sharing our shortcomings. Fine to be Fallible describes a world increasingly at ease with the notion that failure is a necessary pre-requisite of success – and an acceptable consequence of being human. A companion trend to Engineered Empathy, herein lies an opportunity to associate brands with the kaleidoscope of human endeavour and carefully address failings of their own.
Trending 2018
Foresight Factory
Finding the Face of Your Data
Hidden patterns in big data can trigger breakthrough insights – if you have the data scientists to guide discovery In December 2012, an Internet search for “big data” returned more than 100 million results. A 2012 report from the Wikibon community pegged the big-data marketplace at $10 billion in 2012, growing to $48 billion in 20151. In the past year, over $1 billion has been invested into private companies that focus on big data solutions2. The majority of big-data market growth can be attributed to business’s increasing interest in related analytics capabilities to drive improved decisions through improved insight. Not surpris­ingly, some business executives feel big data is over-hyped. Others claim its value is under-realized.
Tech Trends 2013 Elements of postdigital
Finding different ways of thinking and working
Views about diversity and inclusiveness seem to have reached a tipping point. No longer are they seen as ‘soft’ issues, but rather as crucial competitive capabilities. Of the 64% of CEOs whose companies have a formal diversity and inclusiveness strategy, 85% think it’s improved the bottom line. And they also see such strategies as benefiting innovation, collaboration, customer satisfaction, emerging customer needs and the ability to harness technology – all vital capabilities for success in the new competitive environment.
18th Annual global CEO survey
Financial options will catch up to the modern worker
“If we want to provide the opportunity for people in the future to live financially healthy lives, the industry will need to rethink financial services that were designed for individuals that work a single job for his or her lifetime,” says Dan Schulman, CEO of PayPal. “Emerging technologies as well as socio-demographic changes are going to cause a shift in financial service needs and demands.” We can already see this trickle starting in the industry. The new “UltraFICO” credit score will be rolling out early next year. “It will take into account your banking behavior: Are you able to pay all of your bills? Are you making sure that you don’t go negative in that account?” Jill Schlesinger of CBS News explains. By changing the way loan providers think about credit, it opens a door for a younger generation shying away from credit cards and debt.
50 Big Ideas for 2019: What to watch in the year ahead
Financial Markets and New Economics
We are on the cusp of a new industrial revolution; one that addresses the triple challenge of global economic recovery, energy security and climate change. We stand, perhaps somewhat portentously, at a turning point in the history of humanity. What is missing, however, is an economic vision or financial game plan that can bring the myriad issues and foremost priorities together with the common goal of creating a new political economy and monetary infrastructure fit for the 21st century.
Just imagine - RICS strategic foresight 2030
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Financial innovation
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Filters and catalysts for water purification
Global Technology Revolution 2020
RAND Corporation