Trends Identified
The tech backlash builds
Expect to see this on multiple fronts in 2018, as retailers worry about Amazon’s growing dominance, media companies struggle in the Facebook-Google-Netflix vice grip, Congress continues its quest for information on how Russia, ISIS and other bad actors benefit from social networks, and concerns about cyber security and data privacy grow.
Five Big Business Trends to Watch in 2018
The talent challenge
Theoretically, finding a good candidate to fill a position should now be a very straightforward exercise. There have never been as many educated people in the world, nor has it ever been as simple for employers to tap this vast pool online. Highly skilled talent is also highly mobile; but just in case, networking advances also mean that many more tasks can be handled remotely or outsourced.
15th Annual global CEO Survey
The surge of smart products and packages
Packaging as we know it is on the way out. Breakthroughs in manufacturing and materials are dramatically altering how brands present and produce their wares.
Trend watch 2018: the next five
The skills challenge
Companies that reinvent their own talent will gain an edge.
Top Policy Trends of 2018
The silk highway
Coming decades will see
the world economy shift from west to east and north to south. Rapid income growth in Asia and, to a lesser extent, South America and Africa will see billions of people transition out of poverty and into the middle income classes. The powerhouses of the new world economy are China and India. This economic shift will build new export markets, trade relations, business models and cultural ties for Australia. Tourists, funds and ideas will increasingly ow out of Asian countries and into Australia’s economy and society. We are stepping into the Asian Century.
Our future world - globla megatrends that will change the way we live
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
The shale revolution in the United States is turning to exports
The resilience of shale gas and tight oil in the United States, cementing its position as the biggest oil and gas producer in the world even at lower prices.
World energy outlook 2017 executive summary
International Energy Agency (IEA)
The search for global solutions
Léo Apotheker, Co-CEO of the global business software maker SAP AG, which is based in Germany, says: ‘One of the characteristics of the current environment is that we’re actually dealing with more than one crisis. We have an economic downturn, but we also have an environmental crisis of significant proportions. Global warming has made its effects felt, and is no longer something to be disputed. We also have an energy crisis. And we have a scarcity of resources problem. There are nearly seven billion human beings on the planet and we need to feed them, and so we have a serious issue to address.´
12th Annual global CEO Survey
The Role of Think Tanks
Think tanks play a fundamental role in shaping policy agendas. They mobilise expertise and put forward evidence. They push for innovative change and they build networks and communities through which they nurture and spread ideas and catalyse action. The current environment of fast-paced transformations and increasingly complex and intertwined challenges at local, national and global levels would seem to create a perfect backdrop for think tanks to engage in dynamically, offering creative, pragmatic and actionable policy solutions on tangible issues.
Shaping the future
European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS)
The Role of the State
The state will remain the basic unit in international relations, although it will face challenges and the authority vested in it will vary. Most states will retain authority over the full spectrum of activities, whereas others, such as those in the EU, will voluntarily divest some to regional or supranational authorities. Others, such as some states in Africa, will have little practical authority. Transnational movements and groups will remain influential and are likely to further erode some aspects of state power. The varying levels of authority will complicate the ability of states to achieve and sustain multilateral partnerships and agreements.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
The Role of the Family
The movement of people in pursuit of economic opportunity and a secure environment will create more cosmopolitan population centres and change the character and utility of the family.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence