Trends Identified
Global Warming
The average global temperature will rise 0.5-1.5 °C between now and 2030. Over the past 20 years, an overall temperature increase of 0.5 °C has been measured, with land temperatures rising about twice as fast as ocean temperatures. An increasing rate of warming has taken place especially over the past 25 years. During the last Ice Age 18,000 years ago, the average global temperature was 6 degrees lower than today. Even with relatively minor average temperature increases, the nature, frequency and intensity of extreme events, such as tropical cyclones (including hurricanes and typhoons), floods, droughts and heavy precipitation are expected to rise. Sea level will rise between 6 and 11 centimeters during the next 20 years. Two processes are at work: melting polar ice and the expansion of sea water as oceans get warmer, both a result of global warming
Trend compendium 2030
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
Digital reality
The augmented reality and virtual reality revolution has reached a tipping point. Driven by a historic transformation in the way we interact with technology and data, market leaders are shifting their focus from proofs of concept and niche offerings to strategies anchored in innovative use cases and prototypes designed for industrialization. They are laying the groundwork for broader deployment by tackling issues such as integration experiences with the core, cloud deployment, connectivity, cognitive, analytics, and access. Some have even begun developing new design patterns and nurturing non-traditional skillsets, heralding a new era of engagement. These early adopters recognize a shift in the AR/VR winds: The time to embrace digital reality is now.
Tech trends 2018
Crash course - Scientists will learn whether an asteroid is likely to collide with earth
The asteroid Bennu first made headlines back in 1999. That was when scientists discovered this halfkilometre- wide ball of ice and rock and realised that its changing orbit, which brings it close to Earth every six years, could send it crashing into our planet in a century or so. The impact would be catastrophic, releasing 10,000 times more energy than from the asteroid which exploded so spectacularly over Chelyabinsk, in Russia, in 2013. Scientists made ambitious plans to learn more.
The world in 2018
The Economist
The Asian Meridian
The Asian Meridian is likely to be an economically successful region that sits at the intersection of the Chinese and Indian spheres of influence and is likely to be a region of geostrategic competition. It is the region from Hong Kong in the North, through South East Asia into Australia.
Global strategic trends - out to 2040
UK, Ministry of Defence
Environmentally safe and energy saving processing and re-use of production waste to create articles, materials and valuable components
The application of equipment for environmentally safe and resource-efficient processing of production waste, generating goods and materials and valuable components will provide an opportunity to engage in the use of inactive reserves of minerals, poor ores, and metallurgy waste, and to reduce the amount of metal lost in dumps of unpayable ore and old waste from processing companies. Aside from this, the introduction of new developments will help to reduce the level of environmental pollution, in particular by minimising the area used for storing and disposing of waste on industrial land, which can eliminate the risk of highly toxic com pounds entering the soil, waste water and the atmosphere.
Russia 2030: science and technology foresight
Russia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Growing and ageing population
The analysis of qualitative and quantitative data on demographic change helped identify three major trends as particularly relevant. First, the global demographic profile will be characterised by population growth, led by middle-income and lower-income countries, about which the literature and projections strongly agree. The second major demographic trend analysed in the literature has to do with population ageing, initially in high-income countries and subsequently in the rest of the world, starting with middle-income countries. The literature points to a third trend that is likely to develop in the European Union and other developed economies in the future, namely transformations in the structure of families and household sizes.
Europe's Societal Challenges: An analysis of global societal trends to 2030 and their impact on the EU
RAND Corporation
Forever young
The ageing population
is an asset. Australia and many other countries that make up the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have an ageing population. Elderly citizens provide a wealth of skills, knowledge, wisdom and mentorship. Nevertheless, there are some challenges associated with an ageing population and associated demographic trends. Two of these challenges include Australia’s widening retirement savings gap and rapidly escalating healthcare expenditure.
This will change people’s lifestyles, the services
they demand and the structure and function
of the labour market.
Our future world - globla megatrends that will change the way we live
Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Gene-ius therapies
The age of gene therapy arrives at last
World in 2017
The Economist
Rate of technology advance
The advances in technology and innovation accelerate as they are fuelled by continued exponential increases in supporting computing power and advances in augmented intelligence
Strategic foresight analysis
Dominance of the commercial sector in technological development
The advances in defence technology developments/sales and space exploration/exploitation by commercial sectors have taken away the monopoly that used to be held by governments
Strategic foresight analysis